The Loving Transcendence has designed us with all kinds of enjoyment, freewill, and abilities, but the feeling/deception that all these is by our power, won't really profit anyone because this is robbery against our Sustainer (Mal 3v8, Rev 4v11). We are actually toddlers of God, trying to take His place by our distorted consciousness/views won't profit anyone (Nephilim Spirit, giants on the earth - Gen 6).
YahShua said to His disciples: "most assuredly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of Heaven as a toddler will by no means enter it" (Mark 10:15) . Matt 18:3 "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as toddlers, you will by no means enter the kingdom of Heaven" . We must quit the deception that we are on our own apart from God and in-charge. We must let God take responsibility for us in everything, including our mess, and in guidance too, as we receive His instructions through Scripture. We need to make sure we are continously dwelling with our Loving Creator as His children; it's experiential and wonderful. Good News of great joy (Luke 2:10). The world as we know it with all the pain and sorrow won't remain like this forever. God's Era is coming when He will reclaim the earth back to Eden (delightful abundance) forever. Also, God's Will is that we recognize that, every single thing we have is unmerited and of His kindness towards us, to His praise, from the foods we enjoy, to our soul/life and cognitive abilities, to every pleasure we enjoy; He is the one graciously granting us life and so much, and sustaining us. That consciousness is what we departed from in Eden as we began eating/relying-on "knowledge of good and evil", legislature by self (Gen 3) as if we are self-made (giants on the earth, Nephilim Spirit, Gen 6) but truly we are not the Source or true-Sustainer of anything.
We rejoice in Your Loving Presence, be glorified; man-woman romance is a picture of God’s Passion to be married to humanity and never be separated. He gave His Life for this mysterious union to always be. God didn't create you in vain, “what God has joined together let nothing separate” is a picture of God's Passion to mingle with us and always care for us, resulting in fruits displaying how glorious He is, as we allow Him and acknowledge Love. There's A Mystery to what you are as a human being; you're toddler of God. If you don't embrace that mystery and grow into toddler of God, then you have lost it all and your life is in vain. 1John 4:12, “No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwells in us, and His Love is maturing in us”. 2:1, "little children, these things i write to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have a covering (Advocate) with the Father, Messiah the righteous". Hebrews 13:5-6, Let your life be without covetousness, be content with whatever you have. Because God Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. So we may comfortably say: “The Lord is my helper, i will not fear …” . Our very existence (Gen 2v7) is how our Maker first says to us: "I will never leave you nor forsake you", stay with this, under His Loving Claim over you, instead of departing into the adulterated existence (Gen 4v16) that's prevalent all around us.
Our earthly existence is not the real life which this sensual/earthly is pointing to. Life in the Spirit transcends earthly consciousness so that when persons such as AbEl have been unjustly murdered by "leaders"(usurpers) such as Cain (Gen 4v7-9), the Message of Life assures us that AbEl's enjoyment of God and existence in the Spirit cannot be terminated (Romans 8v35-39), just as evil-doers' miserable existence is forever (Matt 25v46).
Discussions/Questions i initiated at Quora, including my answers. A few of these were answers i contributed in questions asked by others:
1Peter 4:11, "If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone serves, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen" . 2Peter 1:4, "... that through these you may be partakers of the Divine Nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world ..." . A serious Christian is a medium and oracle (2Cor 3:3) written not with ink but by the Spirit of the Living God, not on tablets of stone but in human spirits. Occultists are Lying mediums and oracles. In John 6:63, Jesus said: "... the flesh profits nothing. The Words I speak to you are SPIRIT and they are Life" . Clear understanding of the TEACHINGS of the New Testament that equips a Christian with the ability to make righteous judgment regarding spirits and teachings is paramount, otherwise a "Christian" would be under the influence of deceitful spirits instead of the Holy Spirit. In John 7:24, Jesus said: "Do not judge according to appearance, but Judge With Righteous Judgment” . The lottery (cleromancy) that the Apostles used in Acts 1:21-26 to determine who should become the twelfth Apostle is not the "divination" which God condemns in the Torah, it's different just as the Apostles were mediums and oracles of the Holy Spirit. Lucifer can be translated as "Morningstar" (Isaiah 14:12), which is also one of the titles of the Creator Himself (Rev 22:16); sons of God, including the fallen ones, carry some brilliance/reflection of the Father of Lights who is the real Morningstar/Lucifer (James 1:17). The fallen-lucifer is not the only brilliance/star created as a morningstar (iyob 38:7, Isaiah 14:13, Ezek 28:14).
Yesterday (4 Sep 2017), i further learned more about something i really didn't have knowledge of, although prior to yesterday, if someone tells me they use objects and signs to determine as confirmation from God, i would rightfully tell the person it's not the path God wants for Christians (and my conviction on that remains the same). Yesterday, i did a search on "What is Divination?", and i got a better understanding on it. First, i discovered that "divination", is a synonym for witchcraft. I never knew, and that it is the use of objects (or anything created) to spiritually get unknown knowledge or power. In some of my articles (e.g., "Meditation, Prayer and Fasting", "No Images", and "Beware of Christian Occultism"), i wrote according to the knowledge i had at that time without knowing definition of divination but warning Christians never to use images, or mental imagery or objects (e.g., candles, holy water, etc) for spiritual purpose because God in the Jewish Scripture (Old and New Testament) wants us to only depend on understanding the Scriptures of God, His ways, and simply trust in the Almighty Creator to lead and orchestrate for us when we are dealing with issues for which we don't see clear answers in Scripture.
Furthermore, i discovered that in some ways the following in Scripture is "divination", which shows the imperfections of God's people and how they had to grow-up and forsake such imperfections: Judges 6:17, 6:36-40, Gideon seeking confirmation from God by observing signs and objects. The Apostles once used lots to show them who is to join them to fill the twelfth position: Acts 1:21-26, "... And they cast their Lots, and the lot fell on Matthias. And he was numbered with the eleven apostles". Proverbs 16:33, "The lot is cast into the lap but its every decision is from the Lord" . Pagans are the ones guilty of real divination: Jonah 1:5-7, Then the mariners were afraid, and every man cried out to his god ... So the captain came to Jonah, and said to him, “What do you mean, sleeper? Arise, call on your God, perhaps your God will consider us, so that we may not perish.” And they said to one another, “Come, let us cast lots, that we may know for whose cause this trouble has come upon us.” So they cast lots, and the lot fell on Jonah.
Pagans, and so-called "Christians", without understanding of the Jewish Scripture (Old and New Testament), are the ones guilty of real divination which God condemns in the Torah, such persons are without the true-God and His revealed mind. In John 6:63, Jesus said: "... the flesh [the physical] profits nothing. The Words I speak to you are Spirit, and they are Life."
Galatians 3:21 to the end of ch.4 talks of God's people and Torah as God using baby talk, a lower mode of communicating and relating (as with children) but now in the New Testament, God is communicating and relating via better mode having trained-up Israel and the Jewish Apostles through the Old, for the next level in which Gentiles are now fully accepted and grafted into the blessings of the Jews.
FUTURE - Zechariah 14:16-21 presents another era (God's Era) in which the mode of relating will be further superior, and God's People (Jew and Gentile) will once again use animal sacrifices in YeruShalem as God physically reigns over all this earth from YeruShalem. Maybe i could be wrong in my understanding of how the Feasts of YAH (e.g., Sukkot) will be observed in that future reign of the King, but in the Torah, animal sacrifices are intrinsic to those feasts which speak of our Loving Creator who gave His Life for us and to us before anything was created, just as communion (using bread and the cup) speak of this precious Lamb.
I sent that to my friend who has been asking questions. I also sent him the following: This issue we're dealing with is simply answered and solved in these words: "era", "dispensation" in which God chooses His mode of communication. There's nothing intrinsically wrong or right with objects and signs but what we see of the early Apostles (e.g., in Acts 1 casting of lots) is an imperfection because God was already moving into the New Testament dispensation. Another example of such imperfection that the Apostles had to allow God to remove from them was their attitude towards the Gentiles (e.g., Acts 11, vision of unclean meats/animals, and the Apostles' contention against Peter).
Another friend (Josh) challenged me by saying that a Christian isn't a "medium" because God condemns such in the Torah but then he agreed with me that Christians should be vessels for the Holy Spirit. He also disagreed with me for saying that, serious Christians are "oracles of God" ... therefore i replied him with this SMS: Okay, i see that "oracles of God", is also used to mean the Word of God which we certainly are not. I agree with you in that sense. I hope you realize that we are VESSELS that need to be filled with our Loving Creator. ... Josh, one of the main point of this present meditations of mine is this: "Christians" who are not paying serious attention to the Teachings of New Testament can unknowingly be a medium for Deceitful Spirits rather than being a vessel of the Holy Spirit.
I also sent this to Josh: Acts 22:17, "Now it happened, when i [Paul] returned to Jerusalem and was praying in the temple, that i was in a trance", 10:9-10, "... Peter went up on the housetop to pray, about the sixth hour. Then he became very hungry and wanted to eat, but while they made ready, he fell into a trance". Josh, do you know that Pagan-mediums fall into trance too?
Concerning "divination", use of objects and signs to know God's will or to get confirmation on what we don't have definite guidance for in Scripture, we shouldn't set our hearts on this or follow this way for determination, but God can certainly use signs and wonders to confirm to us which way to go when we don't have clear guidance from Scripture. Some how, new Christians must find ways to access the source (especially New Testament) for themselves and make sure what they are being taught is true to Scripture. Eph 2:19-20, "... fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone" . Rev 21:14, "Now the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb."
27 July 2017 .
1Peter 1:13 "... rest your hope fully upon Grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ". 1Cor 15:52, "... we shall be changed ..." . Let us rest in this fact: the Day is coming when our Creator will heal us (repentant-Christians) totally in every way we can't even begin to imagine. Unmerited Favour is waiting for repentant-Christians at the end-glorification when we see Him as He truly is, at which time we shall be changed and He will re-create us just as in the initial creation when He created us without our involvement at all. Presently, the knowledge of this great Love results into the Praise of His Glorious Grace and it definitely transforms us even now although we are imperfect.
Please start enjoying your Loving Creator. Isaiah 55:1-2, "Ho! everyone who thirsts, come to the waters, and you who have no money, come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and Let Your Soul Delight Itself In Abundance" . God delights in those who truly embrace the Message of Life and trust in His Love. As you do, you are embracing His Spirit. This is more delightful than any romance because He created you as a dwelling place for Him to dwell in. 1Cor 6:16-20, "Do you not know that whoever is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For 'the two,' He says, 'shall become one flesh.' But whoever is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. Flee sexual immorality. ... whoever commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price [He gave His Life to adopt you and pay for your sins including future imperfections], therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are His".
From an email i sent in March-2014 . Compared to Noah's time, what we consider the best of health, beauty and nature today, is rubbish in comparison. Noah lived 950 years on this earth. Physically, the healthiest and wealthiest Christian today is rubbish compared to the type of physical health and paradise they had in those days. Since the inauguration of the New Testament, show me one original Apostle that lived 200 years on this earth with the type of health Adam and Eve had after the Fall. As clear as the evidence is, Pentecostals (most Nigerian Christians) will never acknowledge the fact that the New Testament is primarily for our spiritual benefit, not physical yet, but later when God's Era arrives when we will be re-created physically back to Eden (delightful abundance). However, even in Eden, we are always short of the Infinite, the only perfect.
20 Aug 2017 .
In Matt 5:44-48, Jesus said we should care for those who hate us (and have pity towards them). Then He proceeded to show the means by which this can be made possible in us: God's Kindness and Love Towards All of Us whether evil or "good". In Ezekiel 33:11, God says that He has no pleasure in the death of those who don't know Him, but He continually longs and craves for them to come to understand Him. If we feel oppressed by the ways of evil people, we must find our comfort in God's Loving Presence in us (a dwelling place for our Loving Creator). Although God's Wrath is coming, He has no pleasure in it because of the many who are perishing because they don't trust Him. The good thing about His coming wrath is that: all these liars will be put out of business because God is trustworthy. Also in God's Era, all things will be made well again, back to Eden, forever.
Jesus didn't turn the other cheek when He was slapped. John 18:22-23, ... one of the officers who stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand, saying, “Do You answer the high priest like that?” Jesus answered him, “If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil, but if well, why do you strike Me?” Although in Matt 5 Jesus said we shouldn't resist evil persons and that we should turn the other cheek, we need UNDERSTANDING on this because of other scriptures that seem to contradict. Jesus exposed the evil of people and spoke against the irrationality of His Elders of Israel because He wanted all to come to repentance and turn from the Coming Judgment they were heading into. John 7:7, Jesus said to those who were not His real followers: "The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil". In the following, i don't think Paul was wrong in declaring the fact of God's coming judgment against the Leaders of the land, Jesus our Master did the same in Matt 23 (even heavier and lengthier). Acts 23:3-4, Then Paul said to him, “God will strike you, you whitewashed wall! For you sit to judge me according to the law, and do you command them to strike me contrary to the law?” And those who stood by said, “Do you revile God’s high priest?” Luke 22:36, Then Jesus said to them (disciples), “But now, whoever has a money bag, let him take it ... and whoever has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy a sword."
Romans 12:18 (if possible, as much as you can, live peacefully with everyone) is a better and non-confusing way of expressing “do not resist an evil person, turn the other cheek when slapped”, yet the same Jesus instructed the disciples to buy swords to protect themselves against evildoers (Luke 22:36). Jesus’ teaching about not resisting an evil person uses idiomatic expression encouraging us not to allow vengeful spirit in us but to be-living in God/Love even when we appeal to Caesar as we resist evildoers (Acts 25:11).
DEFICIENT HUMAN LANGUAGE of Scripture, is also found in 1Tim 1:9-10 which states that “the Law (of God) was not made for the righteous but for the lawless (who desire to misuse Love and take advantage of the Spirit of Forgiveness in a wrong way)” . One of the purposes of the Law is deterrence against the lawless, but the Law/Torah also serves as a guide to the righteous who desire to dwell in the ways of the Lord.
1 Sep 2017 .
God granted their desires but it became sickness in their souls (Psalm 106v15). Most persons, including Church Leaders, are placing themselves under unnecessary curses because they are not truly under God's Love. Gal 6v7 "do not be deceived ...". Too many persons are wasting His gifts/resources (e.g., time, Grace, bible knowledge, health, etc), in accordance to their wasting of God's Love, they are cementing their souls away from Him as they are not entering into the purpose/intent of this Wonderful Lover, which is: union with Him in all of His ways, not only in the things we like about Him or things that social-pressure doesn't challenge about His ways.
If Church Leaders are truly experiencing the Love of God, they won't be rejecting scriptures such as 1Cor 11 by modern-day view of such scriptures, adulterated views that are contrary to Early Church practice and how the Early Church taught 1Cor 11 . IF most Church Leaders are really toddlers of God truly experiencing the Love of God, they won't be rejecting His instructions by holding adulterated views of Scripture.
2Cor 6:1, "... (we) plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain". It's important to realize and acknowledge how the Deceitful Spirit works in us (humans), otherwise we remain in deception. If we don't see how the snake works in us (humans), it may stifle our spiritual progress with God (unless we simply trust and follow God truly). The deceiver's mode of operation in humans is this: Unbelief Concerning God's Character or How God Is. Also whenever we allow doubts concerning what our Maker is communicating, then we are allowing sub-human spirits (animalistic) to be successful in separating us from the Spirit that should be dwelling in us to have dominion over inferior/earthly spirits.
One of the keys to Romans 12:2 transformation by receiving a new mind, is that we need to become believers. The good news is the power of God unto Salvation/transformation to those who be living on it (Romans 1:16). We need to believe that the Creator is totally for us and has nothing against us because He created us not for harm or curses but to bless us as a display of how wonderful He is. We are "the planting of the Lord that He might be glorified" (Isaiah 61:3), and gave His Life as payment for our sins including future imperfections (Gen 3:21). We need to be living on our Maker's sacrificial peace offering so we (human spirits) can be in the flow with the Supreme Spirit, reconciled to our Maker because we are a dwelling place for it, that's what He created us for, companionship with Him, to His Praise. Just as any normal parent would go and search for the child that gets missing, our Maker has Love by which we should now reconcile with Him. He passionately seeks this because we are His most treasured possession, above all creation: human spirits created in His likeness (a dwelling place for Him). We need to be living in this spiritual reality, developing the new consciousness of Romans 12:2 "receiving of new mind" which will then make transformation easier, delightful and to the praise of the glory of His Grace. "... fear not, see, i bring you good news of great joy ..." (Luke 2:10).
When we proclaim this wonderful Message of Life, we must also communicate that people need to begin studying the ways of the Lord and SURRENDER to Him in all of His ways, flow with Him through this Amazing Love. God's goal/purpose is union with Him in all of His ways, not only in the things we like about Him or things that social-pressure doesn't challenge about His ways, otherwise we are deceiving ourselves as most Church Leaders are doing. When preachers say "God accepts us as we are", or that His love is "unconditional", that's not the whole truth. Jer 8:11-12, "They have healed the wounds of My people superficially, saying, 'peace, peace!' when there is no peace. Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No! They were not at all ashamed, nor did they know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall in the time of their punishment, they shall be cast down” says the Lord. 2Cor 6:1, "... (we) plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain".
16 Nov 2017 .
Here's something i find strange about the Lord but i'm now totally accepting.
In His design of souls and His magnanimous giving of Himself to them, He allows those who are partially interested in Him to be blessed as they drink of Him to whatever extent they want, and experience some intimate satisfaction and life with Him, yet many of these will experience separation from this Wonderful Spirit in eternity (Luke 13v23-27) . See 2Cor 6:1 . You see this picture in the wives of Dahvid because not all of them truly entered into union with him. Abraham had various wives yet only Sarah was his true wife. 2Cor 6-7, “... (we) plead with you not to receive the Grace of God in vain. ... Therefore: Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God". He must have total control of me since He created me as a dwelling place for Himself. Paul wrote to one of his assistants: 1Tim 4:15-16, "Meditate on these things, give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all. Watch yourself and the teaching. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you".
Luke 13:23-27, Then one said to Jesus, “Lord, are there few who are saved?” And He said to them, "Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. ... and He will say to you, 'I do not know you, where you are from,’ then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.’ [that's intimacy] But He will say, ‘I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you" (who practice lawlessness regarding God's instructions - Matt 7:23)
While it is true that imperfections and sins are not what separates people from Life with God, but the root sins of unbelief, independence and SELF-Resource, most Church Leaders are teaching this reality and Love in a way that takes advantage of it in a wrong way. The correct understanding is in this teaching of the Lord to His disciples: "unless you are converted and become as little-children, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven". Not only are we utterly dependent upon this Love as little-children, we must be teachable as little-children allowing Him to pour His instructions into us, if we are truly experiencing His Love. This second part is where most "Bible-believing" Churches are insidiously rejecting the Lord and influencing their followers as they allow them all kinds of worldliness from social-pressure contrary to scriptures such as Romans 12:2. How then can Evangelicals claim to truly know His Love? when it's in vain. 2Peter 3:15-16, "and consider that the Loving-Patience of our Lord is salvation—as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, has written to you, as he does in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures".
29 Nov 2017 .
Recently, via internet, i came-across the messages of a radio host for Cool FM (daddy freeze) who i commended for his passion of trying to free many in Nigeria who are in bondage of Nigerian-Christianity and its Lying Pastors. After commending him, i also sent an email in which i communicated the importance of knowing the relationship between the Law (Torah) and the New Testament; i did so because in his interview with SaharaReporters, he said: "Did Jesus teach the Law? Nope".
The relationship between Torah and NT has its complexities. Many Christians misunderstand and misuse Paul's: "we are no more under the law but under grace". Since 2003 when i left Calvary Chapel (here in Southern California), i have not been able to find the type of Christian Community (with true-Leaders) that i should be part of, and one of the problems is this misunderstanding of what the New Testament means by "we are not under law but under grace". What does it mean? The sense in which the phrase "the Law" is used in the New Testament varies, it doesn't always have the same sense, and any honest person would know by the reading, if their hearts are really into these things. I will come back to this later; also there are various aspects in this issue of the relationship between the Torah and NT. 2Peter 3:15, "consider that the Loving-patience of our Lord is salvation—as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, as he does in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures". Romans 3:31 "Do we then make void the law through faith [and Grace]? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law". Matt 5:17, Jesus said: "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill". If the Spirit of Christ lives in you, He will be fulfilling the moral laws (God's Instructions) through you (His vessel). In Matt 7:21-23, Jesus said: "Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but whoever does the will of My Father in Heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you, depart from Me, you who practice Lawlessness!" (against God's Instructions).
This Issue Is Complex With Its Nuances, Therefore It's Better Dealt With Based On Each Specific Issue At-hand. Here are some examples among other complexities that could arise. Thankfully, we have examples that have gone ahead of us and how the Jewish Apostles handled them. In Acts 15 there was controversy and the Apostles deliberated and began circulating A DECREE on the issue of Symbolic Aspects of Torah and circumcision as a sign, that: God doesn't expect Gentile Christians to observe such, or Sabbaths or Kosher (Col 2:16-17) but the Moral Law stands forever and the Peace/Rest we have through the Passover Lamb still stands forever too. How about NT instructions of physical-Baptism, physical-Communion (Lord's Supper), and the clear instructions of 1Cor 11 that when Christians gather, men shouldn't have head-covering but that women should be covered with the veil. Most Church Leaders today don't really LOVE the Bridegroom as they dishonor Him, otherwise they would teach the Bride to observe the things He told us to observe. Today, Church Leaders don't really care about the instructions of the Bridegroom but only want the crowd (the woman).
What Does New Testament Mean By "we are not under law but under grace"? The instruction that we should love the Lord with all our heart, mind and strength, and love neighbor as ourself is from the Torah (the Law), and many other instructions that shows us the Spirit we need to embrace (e.g., no covetousness, no stealing) are all from the Torah (the Law), and they all transfer into the NT. Hebrews 10:16-17, "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them, then He adds, 'Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more". Earlier, i wrote the following and said i will come back to it later: The sense in which the phrase "the Law" is used in the NT varies, it doesn't always have the same sense, and any honest person would know by the reading, if their hearts are really into these things. ... also there are various aspects in this issue of the relationship between the Torah and New Testament. Here are some examples that show that the phrase "the Law" in NT has various sense/meaning: Romans 8:2-4, "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do in that it was weak through SELF, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to SELF but according to the Spirit". 8:15, "For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of Adoption by whom we cry, 'Abba, Father". 6:14, "Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace". Does this mean Christians can carry-on with Lies and idolatries such as Christmas, etc? The DECREE which the Jewish Apostles wrote to the Gentiles in Acts 15 forbids us from idolatries which church leaders today are allowing in various ways. 1Cor 10 and other scriptures repeat this decree. The other point in that DECREE in Acts 15 is a correction of certain Jewish Christians who contrary to the Jewish Apostles were teaching that Gentiles had to keep the symbolic aspects of Torah but the Jewish Apostles said: NO. Col 2:16-17, Romans 14-15, Gal 4 and other scriptures repeats this side of the decree.
In the New Testament, the following are the various sense/meanings of the phrase "the law": dynamics/principle; another is Autonomy or Self which is humanity's root sin/problem: feelings that we are independent of our Sustainer/Maker, deceit of self-resource as if we created ourselves or anything. Another sense in which the phrase "the Law" is used in NT is this: the ways of the Lord, His instructions which describe His Spirit, His Character, the Living Word (God Himself). It's important to understand the particular sense being communicated whenever you see the phrase "the law". Sometimes Paul's use of the phrase "the law" is a reference to the perversion that Israel had made of that marriage covenant which God made with Israel (His wife). The perversion of that covenant occurred by how they took it and transmitted it. Romans 9:32, "Israel did not seek righteousness by faith, but as it were, by works of the law ...", yet the Love of God is preached in the Torah and its various symbols of instructions such as the Tabernacle, Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), Shabat (Rest), the priesthood, etc. Hebrews 4:2, "indeed the good news was preached to us (under the New Testament) as well as to them (in the Torah) but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it". God intended the covenant and house-rules to be of A Loving Parent Child Relationship, but the majority in Israel took it as merely keeping of rules, but the Torah also communicates God's provision for sins, Forgiveness.
1Cor 15:56, "The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law". Romans 7:11-14, "Because sin, seizing an opportunity through the law, deceived me, and by it killed me. Therefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good. Has then what is good become death to me? Certainly not! But sin, that it might appear sin, was producing death in me through what is good, so that sin through the law might become exceedingly sinful. For we know that the law is spiritual, but i am carnal, sold under sin". The root of all manner of distortion, destruction and deformity: "SIN" is incredibly insidious beyond description, "the mystery of lawlessness" (2Thess 2:7, Jer 17:9-10) . Most so-called "Bible-believing" Pastors today are seizing an opportunity, taking advantage of Grace in a wrong way by biblical statements concerning imperfection (e.g., Romans 7:14 "but i am carnal, sold under sin"). These insidious Pastors blind their minds to the fact that the Apostles especially Paul were diligent in seeking God's Instructions on every issue and were not lackadaisical concerning allowing His instructions to prevail in them and in their teaching on every issue because they loved God although imperfectly compared to His Infinite Majesty. On the other hand, we must not allow SIN (the deceit of Self-Resource) to seize an opportunity through God's Perfection (the law) and make us feel that we must relate to God based on our performance (never adequate) instead of His Parental Love (unmerited favour) which is the real way our Maker truly gets all the glory. Isaiah 42:8, "I am YAH, that is My name, and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to idols" or the Deceiver (Isaiah 14:12-17) who we got the DECEITFUL Spirit from in exchange for our trust, our souls, and mistrust of our Loving Creator and peace (Gen 3), as we departed into bondage of being in charge like God (the forbidden tree, Legislature "of good and evil"). But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through His Love (1Cor 15:57) as we come under His Care to His Praise, to Him alone be all the glory forever, our righteousness, our sustenance and everything.
The New Testament is a clearer/stronger communication of God's message which was communicated in the Old too. Hebrews 4:2, "indeed the good news was preached to us as well as to them (in the Torah) but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it". The same thing is happening to many in this New Testament, therefore the Holy Spirit warns against the SELF Life: Hebrews 4:11, "Let us therefore be diligent to enter that Rest (Shabat), lest anyone fall according to the same example of unbelief/disobedience". Gal 3:24, "the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith". In the Old, those who were paying attention to God's Instructions realized that they fall short of God's standard and could only find rest/peace with God in the Sacrifice of the Lamb provided by God in the Law for example in Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) and other Torah Feasts. Romans 4:6-7, "just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works: 'Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered [taken care of]". That then becomes your power to live as a child of God who now loves Him because of His Covering and Loving Provision. Romans 10:4, "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes". In other words, you shouldn't be agonizing to be accepted by God. Quit from the SELF Life, He never created us to live by our own resource, as if we created ourselves. Receive His gift of righteousness by trusting in His finished work on your behalf. The repentant should rest in God's finished work which He accomplished for us. This is very joyful news for us who are not perfect. It results into ecstatic Praise of our Loving Creator as this new spirit comes into us that now loves to learn His instructions and follow His ways. Receive the fact that your Maker accepts you the repentant, based on what He is, "God is Love" (1John 4).
Hebrews 8:6-13, But now Jesus (YahShua) has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second. Because finding fault with them (the way they took the covenant), He says: “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah—not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, because they did not continue in My covenant (they did not take it in the proper sense), I disregarded them, says the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. ... For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more. In that He says, 'A new covenant,' He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away". Gal 4:3, "... when we were children, we were in bondage under the elements of the world". 4:9, "... how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage? You observe days and months and seasons and years". 4:21, "... you who desire to be under the law, do you not hear the law?"
Sometimes Paul's use of the phrase "the law" is a reference to the perversion that Israel had made of that marriage covenant which God made with Israel (His wife). The perversion of that covenant occurred by how they took it and transmitted it. Romans 9:32, "Israel did not seek righteousness by faith, but as it were, by works of the law ...", yet the Love of God is preached in the Torah and its various symbols of instructions such as the Tabernacle, Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), Shabat (Rest), the priesthood, etc. Hebrews 4:2, "indeed the good news was preached to us (under the New Testament) as well as to them (in the Torah) but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it". God intended the covenant and house-rules to be of A Loving Parent Child Relationship, but the majority in Israel took it as merely keeping of rules, but the Torah also communicates God's provision for sins, Forgiveness.
10 Dec 2017 .
All Glory To You, Our Blessed Fountain, 2Cor 12:7-10.
Here's another paradox or worse, indescribable aspects (2Cor 9v15) of this Loving Transcendence and Living Message who has no need at all (Acts 17v25) yet craves acknowledgement, and of our nothingness (Mal 3v8, Rev 4v11).
From my personal journal: . . . John 14v4-9, Romans 8v28, worse than paradoxes, another example of unexplainable things in Scripture is this: how can God receive delight/satisfaction if He is already full and complete with no need? Yet Scripture makes clear that God receives satisfaction/pleasure as we allow His Loving Claim over us and acknowledge it . . . He has cravings/lust for humanity as "a hen gathers her chicks under her wings" (Matt 23v37, Luke 15). In John 4, He said to His disciples "My food (or drink) is to do the will of the Father (who is Love)"; He said to the woman "give Me a drink (refresh My soul, allow Me to love you)", that's what satisfies His thirst . . . God doesn't need anything from us, yet the right way of existing is that we don't rob God (Mal 3v8) but give Him all the praise . . . turn everything over to Him who claims it all including our sins and griefs because He claims it all . . .
2Cor 3v5, "Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to think of anything as being from us but our sufficiency is by God" . Romans 11v36 . God craves acknowledgement of our nothingness, dependency on Him and acknowledgment of the truth that: all that we are and have are by Him who sustains us. Also, there is somehow a link between each soul and our Maker the Source of each soul, including satanic/deceived souls. God craves for our dependency on His unmerited favour (kindness to our souls) regularly. It results into true praise of Him and change of heart. We see this same design in Eden (Delightful Abundance) which He created us into without us doing good works to deserve being created. God craves for us to acknowledge continuously that He is the One sustaining us in everyway, physically, mentally and in everyway, and that, all that we enjoy of natural life even sinfully are all because He gives it and these pleasures are from His original design which began decaying from Eden when we began partaking of the Tree of "Independence" which is a lie. The acknowledgment of our Sustainer is so immense that if you take time to think of it, it's mind-blowing, from the varieties of foods we enjoy, to the taste-buds and sensory nerves He designed for us to enjoy various pleasures, to the water that satisfies our thirst, to every single thing we have, including cognitive ability and intelligence.
God craves for us to acknowledge that He is the One giving us every single thing, and that we are dependent on Him. Therefore we find these type of warnings in Scripture, "an evil spirit of unbelief in departing from the living God" (Hebrews 3:12-13), "deceitfulness of sin", etc. In the Torah, God says that He is a Jealous God and that His very Name is Jealous. YOUR MAKER IS JEALOUS OVER YOU. Any normal husband doesn't want his wife or wives to go romancing with another man. Any normal parent expects their little children to acknowledge their dependency on them and not do this to strangers. Exodus 34:12-15, "Take heed to yourself, lest you make an agreement with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, lest it be a snare in your midst. But you shall destroy their altars, destroy their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images (for you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is JEALOUS, is a jealous God), lest you make an agreement with the inhabitants of the land, and they play the harlot [the unfaithful] with their gods ..."
Majority of people and majority of "Christians" will end-up in torment forever separated from God because they don't know how to acknowledge the truth of our weakness and total dependence on this Loving Creator who gives us all things richly to enjoy (1Tim 6:17), and who gave His Life for us and to us. We have deceived ourselves strongly in our very being and subconscious with mental lies deep within, thinking and acting as if we created ourselves or that anything comes from us or that we sustain anything. NO, we must continously acknowledge this Loving Fountain/Source who sustains us and all life with His magnanimous abundance (Isaiah 55:1-2). God's Enemy is the one who began this DECEIT of SELF-In-Charge which we bought from that insidious spirit as we sold our souls to that Lying Spirit.
Daniel 5:23-30, "... you have praised the gods of silver and gold (human achievement) ... but the God who grants you breath and owns all your ways, you have not glorified. ... God has numbered your kingdom and finished it ... That very night, Belshazzar, king of the Chaldeans, was slain". As New Testament believers, we are not required to follow the exact of Deut 14:22-29 and such symbols from the Torah, however the truth in such scriptures clearly transfer into the New Testament which agree with that principle of coming together to rejoice in God's presence and acknowledging Him from whom all blessings flow, our Sustainer and Joy.
From My Phone-text, 10 Dec 2017 . Also, if we are to enjoy our relationship with God, we must learn to surrender to His own understanding of Love when He doesn't "bless" us with things we are asking for. He is wiser than us; He knows what He is doing as He works in us to transform us. In the symbol of bridegroom and bride, this can be difficult because the husband is imperfect, and the wife may be more intelligent, and she may have a different view/expectation on what Love looks like. That's why the New Testament says we shouldn't be unequally yoked. Husband and wife must work together for equal yoking of mind by having New Testament as their center-focus. The instruction of equal yoking is actually for our good, so the marriage can be enjoyable, and God is glorified when the marriage union and physical union are enjoyable to wife and husband.
9 Dec 2017 . . . (Concerning Isaiah 55:1-2) There's an exchange as we confess/acknowledge our faults, mistakes, sins and emptiness/nakedness to Him who (before we began partaking of the Tree of independence in Eden) designed us to be dependent on Him as the only one who truly satisfies this empty vessel. You're right that trusting Him (be living in Him) is part of this mysterious wonderful thing, and it takes place in true confession. This is the presenting of our souls to Him so His Love can massage us, come upon our souls gently, satisfy us with His communication and gradually until His Love fully comes into us. Although flawed, passionate romance of man and woman is a picture by our Maker, designed to preach this Awesome Love relationship we can have with God. We need to reclaim these things from the world and the deception which has perverted these things that God created to the praise of His Glorious Grace. Just as a woman cannot bear fruit by herself, we cannot bear fruit of righteousness to God except by continually presenting our souls to Him to satisfy us with His Love, and just as a woman's body cannot really open-up except her soul is convinced of love, life with God doesn't work or satisfy unless we truly see and hear HIS LOVE. That's the charm that opens us up and makes our union with Him enjoyable to us and to Him as we bear fruits of righteousness to God. Our Maker is a wonderful Lover but humanity keeps departing into deception of autonomy instead of resting under His Loving Ownership To His Praise.
24 Dec 2017 . . . Romans 6:14, "Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under Law (self-effort) but under Grace (adoption)". We Need To Focus On The Dynamics That Powers The Christian Life From Within, Which Will Then Produce The Fruits of Righteousness Naturally, Not By Self. In the New Testament, God's people (ekklesia) is known as the Bride of Messiah, but a bride or woman cannot bear fruit by herself. She has to allow a love to come upon her and love her. Even her body won't soften-up and open-up until her mind is convinced by love as she sees and hears love. In the same way, we (the Bride of Messiah) cannot really bear fruits of righteousness to God unless we truly hear and see His Love towards us and then He gradually comes in with His Seeds of Grace and Truth, His View on Life and His Perspective on everything as we spend quiet-time in His Scriptures especially the New Testament and receive Him more and more. We cannot really bear fruits of righteousness to God by our-self.
. . . Scripture gives a lot of details on what is sexual-sin (e.g., Lev 18); self-masturbation is not included in the list, however if someone has doubts, abstention is the way to go, but if the person "falls", forgiveness is readily available for the repentant (1John 2:1-2), our dependence on God's Love is the most important aspect in this issue ... God's great desire for harmony and union with us contains the power to deliver from sin's dominance and isolation from God; Romans 1:16, Luke 2:10-11.
Another example of the many Paradoxes of Scripture is this: we are to be moderate/modest in all things, yet in Rev 3, the Master rebukes some Christians for being moderate: "... I wish you were either cold or hot ... because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to vomit you out ..." . 2Tim 2v24-26 teaches that: a servant of the Lord is GENTLE and must not quarrel but this "contradict" scriptures such as Rev 12v7, Acts 15v2 and Jude 1v3 that we should "earnestly contend for the faith". In Luke 14v26, Jesus teaches the complete opposite of moderation and expects us to be radical and intense about Him who is worthy of our whole being.
Another example of the many Paradoxes of Scripture is this: we are to be moderate/modest in all things, yet in Rev 3, the Master rebukes some Christians for being moderate: "... I wish you were either cold or hot ... because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to vomit you out ..." . 2Tim 2v24-26 teaches that: a servant of the Lord is GENTLE and must not quarrel but this "contradict" scriptures such as Rev 12v7, Acts 15v2 and Jude 1v3 that we should "earnestly contend for the faith". In Luke 14v26, Jesus teaches the complete opposite of moderation and expects us to be radical and intense about Him who is worthy of our whole being.
29 Dec 2017 .
Is God against pleasures which He created humans with? The problem is in how pleasure-mania and social pressure has swayed the teachings of many American Pastors who continue to teach a grace that accommodates and excuses many forms of pleasure-mania which they don't even see any problem with. Jeremiah 2:12-13, "Be astonished, O heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be very desolate,” says the LORD. "Because My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, and made for themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water". God isn't against pleasures because the ability to enjoy these things comes from Him but society and education/media pervert THE POINT OF OUR EXISTENCE and these pleasures which are from our Loving Maker. 1Tim 6:17, "Command those who are rich in this present age not to be arrogant, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy".
What God is against is the deception that hearts receive, by which they disregard Him and His instructions on life and these pleasures; that deception won't help anyone.
When it comes to pleasures which often times have been perverted or are being abused by the world, it's important to realize that our Maker is the one who gives humans these pleasures because He created humans with the ability to enjoy these things by giving us the sensory nerves, taste-buds and all. Yet, depending on culture and unscriptural teachings, deceitful spirit (the internal enemy) can rob certain Christians of the peace and joy that should be theirs concerning pleasures as he simultaneously robs God of the glory that suppose to go to Him from Christians' peace of mind and joy. Think of our taste-buds and all the various kinds of foods we enjoy. All these things should make us praise our wonderful Maker who has also given us what we are in most dire need of: His Loving Embrace and sacrifice to clear our guilt even of our future imperfections too, so we can always have peace with Him and have union with His Spirit by receiving His understanding from Scripture. . . . One must focus on God's Love, the greater pleasure. When such a person falls into what they don't want to do, too much focus on that failure cannot help. See Numbers 21:7-9, and John 3:14-15 and instead of much self-focus, set your gaze on your Maker's provision of cleansen for you.
1Cor 10:30-31, "But if i partake with thanksgiving (and praise to God), why am i evil spoken of for the food over which i give thanks? Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God". Concerning Jesus' first public miracle (John 2, turning of water into wine at the wedding in Cana after the guests had finished the available wine), today, certain cultures would condemn Him for doing that because they think that God forbids enjoyment of strong-drinks. Other cultures today would condemn Him for supplying wine to "minors". In those days, marriage was usually in teenage years. That first public miracle of the Lord challenges me too because i think He should have said: "the wine you finished is good enough, you don't need more". But that's not what He said, rather He supplied those "minors" with more wine. Surely, there are some lessons in that first miracle for all of us.
Although i don't drink strong-drinks, and although the New Testament (1Cor 8 to 10) encourages abstention out of care for those who struggle with drunkenness, nevertheless a 17 yr. old that enjoys strong drinks and receives pleasure in it may be condemned wrongfully by human cultures with its flawed social constructs and norms but Scripture doesn't condemn that seventeen yr. old. Drunkenness is what Scripture condemns, not enjoyment of strong drinks. Due to my naiveté, i never knew how useless marijuana presently is, until i read about it recently. Even medical marijuana as of yet isn't really established medically. The following is from an article i read recently at the website of Desiring God: "It is unhelpful to make direct correlations between cannabis and alcohol, as if the Bible’s teaching on alcohol applies to cannabis. Not only are cannabis and alcohol vastly different chemical compounds, with vastly different effects, but the Bible gives us clear ... permission for the moderate use of alcohol while never directly referencing other psychoactive compounds such as marijuana".
28 Dec 2017 .
The Eden (Delightful Abundance) we fell from is beyond any paradise we can imagine. We have become so accustomed to A State of Being (spirit) that God is trying to wean us away from and back to the unimaginable (Isaiah 55:1-2). There's much in human culture, social constructs and norms, that are prisons designed in accordance with our delusion to keep us locked in our Fall from Eden. The only way out is by believing every understanding God is lovingly communicating to us. Romans 12:2, "Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind".
Apart from that morningstar which transforms into deception which it wasn't created as, there are other morningstars (iyob 38v7) which have been granted to us as blessings of brilliance/wisdom because we are sons of God being upheld by the Loving-Transcendence, to His Praise and glory forever. We are far more tied to spirits, and much more involved in the spirit-realm than we realize. We are always under a type of spirit or the other (Matt 16v23). We always have a type of spirit or another in us or upon us (1John 4v12) . Jewish Scripture (Old and New Testament) abounds with idiomatic expressions and anthropomorphic expression which will continue confusing us if we keep dwelling on the earthly instead of catching the message of these earthly things. Every pleasure humans enjoy, carry a message by our Maker. The Love Feast and other sacraments are simply symbols for internal experiences (spirit-realities) available to us and far more delightful than all these sacraments or pleasures signaling for the real experiences in the spirit (John 6v63).
Apart from that morningstar which transforms into deception which it wasn't created as, there are other morningstars (iyob 38v7) which have been granted to us as blessings of brilliance/wisdom because we are sons of God being upheld by the Loving-Transcendence, to His Praise and glory forever. We are far more tied to spirits, and much more involved in the spirit-realm than we realize. We are always under a type of spirit or the other (Matt 16v23). We always have a type of spirit or another in us or upon us (1John 4v12) . Jewish Scripture (Old and New Testament) abounds with idiomatic expressions and anthropomorphic expression which will continue confusing us if we keep dwelling on the earthly instead of catching the message of these earthly things. Every pleasure humans enjoy, carry a message by our Maker. The Love Feast and other sacraments are simply symbols for internal experiences (spirit-realities) available to us and far more delightful than all these sacraments or pleasures signaling for the real experiences in the spirit (John 6v63).
9 Jan 2018 .
I'm accustomed to being meticulous in trying to please God according to His instructions on all things, however, i also became accustomed to emotionally beating myself up in unnecessary self-condemnation from the Deceiver too. However, God is teaching me that, for Him to really get the glory, i need to relax and rejoice more as little children who are always care-free and rejoicing since responsibility isn't laid upon them but upon parents who delight in taking care of them and their mess. Gal 3:1-5, "O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? [bearing responsibility for you] This only i want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Have you suffered so many things in vain—if indeed it was in vain? Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?"
These days, God's Love is coming alive to me anew as i move more from mere knowledge into those spiritual realities. For example, the lost and found stories in Luke 15 are now helping me see that our Loving Creator is very interested in us (humans, lost or found) because we are all actually His, and there's tender and passionate yearning in Him unto each soul, there's link between our Maker and us, including the lost, since He made us all in His likeness and we came from Him (Acts 17:27-29 message to pagans). The stories in Luke 15 is same as a parent whose child got missing and how that parent would search diligently to find his child, how much more our Loving Creator.
7 Jan 2018 . The reason why little children are always rejoicing is because they are rightfully not responsible for anything; others are responsible for them. In Matt 18:3, Jesus said to His disciples "unless you be converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven". Based on that perspective found in many passages of Scripture, i desire to enter more into that glorious perspective which is also found in 1Cor 4:2-4 which highlights the fact that God does not want us to be responsible for our Christian life, it says: "... it is a very small thing that i should be judged by you or by a human court. In-fact, i do not even judge myself. For i know of nothing against myself, yet i am not justified by this ...". True-Christians are justified by the Lord, not by their performance, imperfect. The subtle difference between 1Cor 4v2-4 and 11v28-31 "if we would judge ourselves (by the Spirit, 2Cor 13v5), we would not be judged by God", the subtle difference can be detected if the issue of self-imposed religion is present, which is against the spirit of "it is written". Self-imposed religion and its appearance of wisdom is tricky (Col 2v23) and spiritually deadly (humanistic, of the fake-Christ). The opposite perspective which i'm seeking to be immersed into, is found in many scriptures such as the following, showing that God calls us to be living and functioning as an overflow of Him as we enjoy His abundance to His Praise and become enraptured in His goodness, while He instructs us to shun Self-Responsibility: Matt 18:3, Acts 17:25, "nor is He worshiped by human works, as if He needed anything, since He gives to all, life, breath and all things" . Isaiah 9:6, "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulder. And He shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace".
Gen 3:11, the Spirit testified within: "Who told you that you were naked? ..." (how did you arrive at this consciousness)? . In Gen 3, prior to the fall (departure into self-fixation), Adam and Eve were naked/deficient in of themselves by design but were not into self-consciousness or the Lie of Independence but were simply caught-up with The Loving Presence until they departed into legislature by self, "tree of knowledge of good versus evil". That self fixation/consciousness exposes human imperfections (nakedness). That treason of ours is beyond imagination but thank God that His Love remains the same and He calls us to return to Eden (Delightful Abundance for our souls). Praise our Loving Creator that His Love is greater than our foolishness, to the praise of His glorious grace. God is Love, 1John 4:16
13 Jan 2018 .
Like the ancient Tabernacle, the Scripture we have today communicates the Message of Life, but these earthly expressions/copies are not God The Infallible Message, otherwise, why do they need God's Sacrificial Love (sprinkling of blood, Heb 9v19, Lev 16v16, Heb 9v21-24).
Hebrews 9v19, “When Moishe had proclaimed every command of the law to all the people, he took the Blood … and sprinkled both THE SCROLL itself and all the people” . There would be no need for the scroll/tabernacle to be sprinkled with blood if Scroll is the infallible Living Word who alone is truly infallible.
Scripture is Trustworthy but only God the Living Word is INFALLIBLE compared to earthly expressions/copies of it (Heb 9v21-24). Scripture attempts to communicate An INDESCRIBABLE Gift/Spirit (2Cor 9v15).
What Books or STATEMENTS OF SCRIPTURE ARE GOD-INSPIRED? Concerning a prophet (e.g., Solomon) who displays some credibility or signs and wonder of being of God but insists on a message which is contrary to the spirit of the Torah, Deut 13:3 says: "you shall not listen to the messages of that prophet or dreamer, for the Lord your God is TESTING you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul" . The Evangelicals i learned from really emphasize their view that every statement in the Bible is infallible. They use scriptures such as Prov 30:5, "Every Word of God i flawless (infallible) ..." . 2Tim 3:16, "All Scripture is God-breathed ..." . Therefore, what i'm saying here is taboo for those who reverence men more than Truth, but God said in iyob 42:1-8 that the Book of Job has flaws in it by Job and his friends, and we see the REPENTANCE of Job and his friends in those verses too in which we have a clear Truth from God that: even a true prophet can express things that are not really of God. 1Cor 13v9, "We know in part and we prophesy in part".
Song of Solomon is a flawed picture because of Solomon's idolatries, compared to the Books of Ruth, Hoshea and Romans which are clearly better. Truly, our Maker uses children-parent relationship and romantic man-woman relationship as pictures to speak of how we can begin allowing Him to bear responsibility for us and lead us and protect us from deceitful-enticements. Although these pictures are flawed, they communicate about the real Love and sweet intimacy you can begin experiencing with Your Maker. However, don't let the earthly or erotic/sensual (created by God) distract you from the real Love with God, which the physical is pointing to (by His design). Matt 7:11, "If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give good things to those who trust Him!"
The Books of Ruth, Hoshea, and Romans are better than Song of Solomon whom God condemned in 1Kings 11:1-11 concerning his idolatry which included the worship of the goddess Ishtar (Ashtoreth, sensuality) and other gods of this pagan world. I'm sure Song of Solomon isn't God-inspired but rather Solomon's sensuality on display regarding one of his concubines among 700 wives and 300 concubines he had. If the Shulamite was truly queen in Israel as Solomon's wife, no watchman would dare touch her, in-fact they would be guarding her from any attempt of the battery she narrates in Song 5:7 of wounds inflicted upon her by the guards. Throughout the Tanakh, God speaks of how He is the Lover and Husband of the Jewish nation (and God's people, wife of God), however the message and feel is different; for example, Solomon continually communicated that the reason he has been captured by the Shulamite is her physical beauty and he goes into detail about her physical body, breasts, thighs, belly-button, etc. However, all the other prophets in the Tanakh communicate how God, not man, loves the Jewish nation in-spite of their ugliness (e.g., Hoshea), not for their beauty but in-spite of their ugliness. Even in Psalm 45:10-11, the beauty here comes after the preceding instruction to forsake the earthly/natural first: "... forget your own people also, and your father’s house, so the King will greatly desire your beauty ...". It's a beauty of trusting and obeying the preceding instructions of the King.
Solomon's thinking in Eccl 3:18-22 are definitely not of God. Based on God's condemnation of Solomon in 1Kings 11:1-11, the erotic Song of Solomon should be in secret. Earthly musicians are always glorifying sensuality just as Solomon did, but Jesus condemns it in Matt 5:28 . What God says to us in Deut 13 about TESTING our loyalty to Him is very key in this issue because He said He will use a seemingly credible prophet to bring the test. That's clearly the case with Song of Solomon which confused men fell for by including in what they call "the Bible" maybe because those are the writings of the king, which king, the one glorifying immorality?
The reason i'm expressing this evangelical taboo and difficulty is because we must always be people of TRUTH but most Pastors are acting and being deceitful as they simply follow their seminaries and their unrepentant teachers saying that every statement in their Bible is infallible. That's A Lie and they are contradicting God Himself by saying so; see 1Cor 13v9 and iyob 42:1-8 . Thank God that He is faithful to expose and correct His true-prophets when they express what's not of Him (see Num 20v12, 20v24) . In the Spirit, the Message of Life is not fallible, the Living Word is infallible but its expression through the apostles and prophets in Scripture can make it tainted (e.g., when the prophets express their desire for recompense against the wicked who seem to be prospering by the Kindness of God). Apart from this, another issue is this: DEFICIENT HUMAN LANGUAGE OF SCRIPTURE. Many who give superficial attention to Scripture or who emphasize taking it literal (on face-value), are already being led astray by Scripture's Deficient Human Language. Among so many examples, here's a few highlighting the Deficient Human Language of Scripture: Gen 4v16 as if God is not omnipresent/ImmanuEl; Deut 13v3 as if God is not omniscient; 1John 4v12 which some can take as contradiction of John 14v9; 1Cor 15v26-28 makes it seem as though Christ is not yet above all powers in the spirit-realm and on earth, and as if Christ has not always being subject to the Spirit but that this will happen at the end.
John 7:17 is important, if our spirits are truly toward God, He will let us know Truth versus Error. Jesus relied on Scripture by saying: IT IS WRITTEN, and like Him, it must be our food/sustenance, we must understand it and it must be part of our being so we can know which one to use and how to use it. Thank God for those Scriptures. God is a faithful Father that deeply cares for us because He desires to be glorified by creating us and taking care of us. Concerning John 7:17, the will of God is that we be as little children under His care, listening to Him and also Allowing Him To Bear Responsibility For Us. This results to the praise of His beauty. Also, God's Will is that we recognize that, every single thing we have is unmerited and of His kindness towards us, to His praise, from the foods we enjoy, to our soul/life and cognitive abilities, to every pleasure we enjoy, He is the one graciously granting us life and so much, and sustaining us. That consciousness is what we departed from in Eden as we began partaking of the tree of autonomy, but truly we are not in-charge.
1 March 2018 .
I just sent the following to a blogger, Rachel Gilson a woman who left homosexual lifestyle and culture years ago as she discovered the Fountain of Life who satisfies our deepest thirst. She is now married heterosexually and she works for Campus Crusade For Christ, as a director. Rachel Gilson makes it clear in her writings that she still struggles with same-sex attraction and she thinks "There is no biblical command to be heterosexual" in human nature and desires, although she rejects homosexual acts. Therefore i sent the following to her in hopes that she will allow our Loving Creator to continue the work He began in her life contrary to the compromised-THOUGHT and lack of proper distinctions that so-called "Bible-believing" Pastors are feeding her -- 15 May 2021 -- what i sent to her in 2018 is a bit different from a more complete view i now have, therefore LET ME FIRST MAKE PUBLIC CORRECTION OF MY OLD VIEW : Today i posted these things on YouTube: if sinful desire itself is evil, then please consider Luke 4v5-7 and such instances in MeshiYah's earthly pilgrimage. Just because evil desire shows-up in you doesn't mean you're GUILTY of entertaining evil. Rejoice in God's Loving Presence when that satanic spirit tries to harass you. Romans 7 talks about such feelings which we must recognize as LYING Feelings and DECEITFUL Thoughts not worthy of our consciousness in God's Loving Presence, HalleluYAH !! Christ Himself had struggles within Him against evil DESIRES (Gethsamane).
Concerning Rachel Gilson who said: "There is no biblical command to be heterosexual" by nature and desires, the following are excerpts from what i sent her in 2018 which are still part of my better view today: . . . Matt 5:27-28 is regarding heterosexual passion which is different from [same-sex attraction which is "against nature" Romans 1v26, the Message of Life, and REPRODUCTION]. This type of distinction concerning thought-life is essential to truly delivering those who are now agreeing with this Loving Creator as they forsake worldly lifestyle and homosexual acts, but Pastors are failing in this DISTINCTION and they really won't be able to truly help such converts to attain natural feeling (in accordance with the Message of Life). These are the same Pastors who say that it's up to Christian couples to decide whether they are comfortable with Oral and Anal Sex. The real question is: who/what decides what is normal versus abnormal or unnatural THOUGHT versus natural. I touch on this issue in my articles: "Pets Are Delicious Meat", and "Oral and Anal Sex Are Condemned By God", at my website (
At John Piper's website, one of his own quoted him: "But to be ... rooted in sin does not make a sinful desire equal to sinning. Sinning is what happens when rebellion against God expresses itself through our disorders"
15 May 2021 . Pastors such as J.Piper have a point but they are failing to express the following: unlike homosexual desire, heterosexual lust can have good context (desiring lifelong commitment) or evil context but this cannot be said of homosexual desire which is always evil regardless of context. Even if sinful desires are not entertained, they are still Evil, although the person is not guilty simply because evil showed-up within. Trust/Love for God transforms the internals away from that Evil Feeling or state of being.
"what is against nature" ?? (Romans 1v26). Similar to same-gender sin, heterosexual sins too are against nature. The reason why homosexual desire is "against nature" (even if not entertained within) is because it is contrary to how life is sustained here on earth, and this is different from enjoying what is ATTRACTIVE/Beautiful in nature or being excited because of sensual-beauty you see in God's Creation. Man-woman relationship is how life continues here on earth, not same-gender. Heterosexual sins too are against nature: if a man is longing to do romantic things with a woman he doesn't have lifelong commitment for, that's against LOVE, that type of lust is evil and against nature according to the Message of Life. If a single woman has romantic desires for a single man, and both desire lifelong commitment to each other, this type of LUST IS NOT EVIL because it's not against LOVE and the Message of Life.
22 March 2018 .
God did not give His Precious darling to condemn His fallen creation but that the world might be saved through Him. God is for sinners, not against them. He seeks to restore His fallen creation. In the resurrection (God's Era), He will fully restore His creation, all to the praise of His Beauty. In John 7:7, Jesus said: "The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil".
1Tim 2:9-10, "in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works" . In the original writing, 1Peter 3v3 supports the teaching of no make-up at all. However, due to scriptures that teach moderation in adornment, Pastors/Leading Brothers shouldn't be teaching that the use of ornaments/adornment is sinful. Scripture forbids us from condemning what He has not condemned (Col 2:23, "self-imposed religion, false humility"). Due to the ambiguity of what is "moderate make-up" especially interculturally and the intercultural settings of churches, Pastors should encourage congregations not to use adornment but make clear that, moderate use of make-up/ornament is not a sin. Titus 2:3, "the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things" . The issue of adornment is similar to the fact that Scripture doesn't condemn the enjoyment of strong-drinks although Romans 14, and 1Corinthians chs. 8, 9, and 10 encourage Christians to abstain for the sake of those who fall into drunkenness since we don't want to give them a license to continue in something they don't have power over. This is the law of Love for your brothers and sisters' spiritual condition. Today, most Pastors are allowing women to show-off their figure, breasts, upper-arms, thighs, and navel because the world is doing so (social-pressure) . Leading Brothers who know that we don't belong to satanic spirit, would definitely be teaching the congregation to direct their families away from all that self-focus of wearing tights, mini, shorts and revealing attire. Christian women should be reflecting the Holy Spirit in their way of dress, not making a show with their figure, breasts, and thighs, a trick which was mainly used by prostitutes in the past but has now gain popularity and become norm.
God's law/instructions can be viewed as royal attire and adornment for His children. When the Jews came out of the bondage of Egypt by the Lamb (God's Love) given to cover them from judgment, they began enjoying rest (shabat) and love. God gave them His law because as children of the King, how can they remain as ordinary people when our wonderful Creator had adopted them. God's instructions are for our benefit and glory to God's Praise. Even in the Law God gave His children, we see again His great love in the animal sacrifices which speak of His covering of our imperfections. Mark 2:27, ... "The Sabbath was made for humans, and not humans (to slave) for the Sabbath" . Rejoice!! Praise God. If a non-believer gives you a gift that you feel is expensive or attractive, let your soul rejoice in God's care and provision - Matt 6:28-30, you're not sinning (1Cor 10:30-31). You can use that expensive/attractive material to the praise of God who provided it to you as a free-gift.
Concerning Pageants/Shows -
1Cor 13:4-5, “… Love Does Not Parade Itself, is not puffed up … is not self-seeking …” . John 12:25, “whoever loves his life will lose it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life” . 2Tim 2:22, “flee youthful passions”.
It’s really not the fault of all the ignorant "Christians" but the Pastors who are on the way to eternal regret. This issue includes all the various shows of human glory, not only beauty pageants (Jer 9:23-24). Self-focus and self-glory is the fountain-head of all sin and death (tree of autonomy, Gen 3). All of life is supposed to be a display of how wonderful our Loving Creator is, to His Praise, but satanic spirits try to rob God of some of His glory by turning their consciousness toward self and the created, and by contradicting His Word instead of always giving all praise to the Creator. That’s what the satanic spirit is all about (Isaiah 14:12-17, Ezek 28:17), and that’s the spirit into which humanity allowed the Lie to entice us into, which brought destruction upon everything (Gen 3). Ezek 28:17, “Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor”. Isaiah 42:8, “I am YAH, that is My name, and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to idols”.
Under Love's Care To His Praise.
2 April 2018 .
Easter Ishtar is more tricky than Christmas because it coincides with the Jewish Passover when Messiah gave Himself for us. The word "Easter" Ishtar isn't Christian, it's pagan. The New Testament Christians celebrated Messiah's death and resurrection regularly throughout the year in what is known as Love Feast, and also in the Lord's Supper/Communion and during the Jewish Passover. True-Christians don't celebrate feasts with the pagan world and their Ishtar or Winter birth of a christ, Myths and Lies.
John 20:19-23 rightfully took place during the Feast of Unleavened Bread: God and sinners reconciled by the Passover Sacrifice. Leaven (puffing-up) signifies Sin which is essentially departure from God into the deception of Self, being in-charge (independence). Abstention from Leaven and removal of leaven from Jewish home signifies union with God because of Passover Love, the undoing of sin. Union with the Holy Spirit in John 20:22 becomes powerfully overflowing in Acts 2 as they remained in undistracted communion with Him; Hebrews 10:16 - Shavuot/Pentecost (receiving of the Torah). Father in Jesus Name i want to continually enjoy Your overflow upon me to Your praise.
16 April 2018 .
The fact that God is still waiting for more souls, is also a challenge to us who are already trusting Him because we still dwell in this fallen world and can feel like God isn't really for us, but the just must live by faith until God brings the glorious manifestation of His reign. Thy Kingdom come. 1Peter 1:13, "... rest your hope fully upon Grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ". Phil 1:23-24, a true-Christian suffers along with everyone the effects of a fallen world because of God's Patience to reach His enemies (people who don't really care about God's Way). 2Peter 3:9-13, but God's Era is on its way coming.
Thank God who gives us understanding concerning our confusing Christian journey due to our limited understanding during this wilderness journey. Praise our beautiful Parent, the resurrection/restoration is coming when He returns His creation back to unimaginable Eden, something we can begin enjoying spiritually. Remember that the opposition's only goal is that God not be praised and that all the glory not go to Him alone (Isaiah 14:12-17) by that spirit, the Lie came to us in Eden with deceit that: we too can be in-charge like God. The Transcendence alone to whom be all praise and glory, is our Provider, Guide, and Help who sustains all creation and gives us everything we enjoy and should lead us by His wisdom. He alone is our Righteousness who covers us, and our sustenance; all the glory is to our Loving Creator alone, no one else. Isaiah 42:8, "I am YAH, that is My name, and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to idols."
It's so wonderful learning to walk in this realization and new perspective that i don't need to live from self resource anymore or by self anymore, but to allow the Spirit of Adoption to be upon me continously (Romans 8:15). Our Loving Creator created us as spirit beings to dwell with us. Receive His embrace of your life and payment for all your imperfections including future sins. Concerning this glorious Lord Jesus, we haven't seen anything yet. The world as we know it with all the pain and sorrow won't remain like this forever. God's Era is coming in which all things will be made well again, back to Eden (delightful abundance) to His praise.
God is A Spirit and it created you a spirit/being (in His likeness), a dwelling place for Himself. The reconciliation happens through Christ (God's Love). All praise to our Loving Maker who didn't create us in vain or to be far from us, but rather that we may know His Loving Presence in us and with us everyday. We who admire Messiah and this faith often make biblical statements that we haven't really seen the immensity of, or really entered into. These days (since April 2017) one of such things i'm paying close attention to develop in me is this one: His Loving Presence with me no matter my circumstances. That's something that's very comforting and that will make a person happy as you BELIEVE and Trust your Maker who gave His Life for you and to you. In the garden of Eden, the way the Lie was able to entice us and our consciousness away from our Maker's Loving Presence into Self-Consciousness and independence from God, was by Lies we began entertaining against our Sustainer, as we began eating/relying on knowledge of good and evil (SELF Legislature) and deceit that we are in-charge, which is treason against the Transcendence, a mistrust against Providence who planted us in that wonderful garden of unimaginable delight. That self focus and self-reliance only makes us see our nakedness/deficiencies. The way Providence defeats the deceiver in us, is by reaffirming to us His total commitment to this His house (we), by giving His Life for us and to us, to His Praise.
28 April 2018 .
I never knew that Jehovah's Witnesses teach that, there's no eternal regret, consciousness, or suffering of loss in the Presence of the Love/Lamb, Rev 14v10-11 . JW teach that, we are not spirits/beings but simply physical, therefore when someone die, they cease existing, therefore no eternal loss or regret of the Love they could be experiencing/enjoying. That's contrary to scriptures such as Matt 25v46. Amazing, yet they have other teachings that are Biblical and comforting to the many they reach all over the world (e.g., truths about the coming restoration of Eden, and truths about origin of pain and sufferings). This is the same problem in almost every church: they all teach somethings which are true to Scripture and therefore benefit humanity to the extent to which the Church Leaders allow the blessings of Scripture to bless the earth. Isaiah 55:10-11, Hebrews 4:12-13 "the word of God is living and powerful ...". For example, i began following the Lord in 1997 through Evangelical Pastors whom i now disagree with and left in 2003, and i have not being able to find a real church to be part of since then because the Leaders want to follow the Lord partially and according to their imaginations, yet to the extent to which they allow the blessings of Scripture, God has blessed people like me through them and also delivered me from their MISUSE OF GRACE, their lackadaisical attitude towards Sanctification, their partiality with Scripture, and their contradictions. In my article "No Images", apart from showing how churches using pictures of "jesus" and other images, are contradicting Scripture, i also show how Jehovah's Witnesses need to, even more, destroy their own Bible to fully conform to their imaginations and teachings which contradict their own Bible (New World Translation). .
JW declare: "We are not spirits living in a body of flesh. We are physical creatures, so no part of us survives death. When we die, our brain dies too, and our thoughts perish. ... Since the Bible shows that the dead are unconscious, hellfire is clearly a false teaching that slanders God". Yet their own Bible says: Matt 13:41-42, "The Son of man will send his angels, and they will collect out from his Kingdom all things that cause stumbling and people who practice lawlessness, and they will pitch them into the fiery furnace. There is where their weeping and gnashing of teeth will be." Matt 25:41, "Then he will say to those on his left: 'Go away from me, you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels." Luke 13:28, "There is where your weeping and gnashing of teeth will be, when you see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets in the Kingdom of God, but you yourselves thrown outside."
30 April 2018 .
Centuries of Sorrow, death, painful labour, injustice, decay, politics, corrupt leaders and suffering testify to the fact that it's awful for us to be in-charge instead of remaining under Love's care to His praise in the Garden of Eden (delightful abundance). Also, in a way, God's enemy (the Lie, which we must not allow in us) has been temporarily successful in its attempt that our Sustainer not receive all glory and praise due Him (Gen 3, Isaiah 14v12-17). Messiah (the Message of Life) is the undoing of the insidious Lie as He defeats the tricks of the opposition which by Lies accuses God to us, transforms us from dwelling under Love, by suggestions within us of autonomy and mistrust against our Sustainer. Messiah (the Living Word) is the undoing of that insidious separation caused by Lies of autonomy which we began relying-on as we began exalting self, the created, instead of our Sustainer (1John 3v8). As we acknowledge the Lord's care for this His house (we), we are set-free from the error of transforming away from His Presence into earthly-focus. As we acknowledge His Loving Care for this His house (we), the separation from God is abolished and we become His happy toddlers to the praise of His Loving Presence, then we rule over the earthly spirits as God commanded dominion over them in the Garden of Eden which has been temporarily thwarted by deceitful earthly spirits (Gen 3v1, Isaiah 14v12-17).
17 May 2018 .
From what i sent to someone on Facebook yesterday:
Another insidious preacher you follow and posted his confusion titled "Pre-Adamic Age" (on your facebook) wrote: "The war that broke out in heaven against the Devil and his angels was led by Michael, who was none other than God’s only begotten Son, the Pre-Incarnate Jesus Christ Himself" . However, Daniel 10:13 says: "But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days, and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me ..." . The Lord Jesus created all the angels (princes) and archangels (chief princes) and MishaEl is one of the archangels. If you want you can continue following the confusion of E.A. Adeboye and whoever you listen to. You have been warned. [The pre-Adamic age myth devoid of any human was not by E.A. Adeboye but by another preacher more insidious than Adeboye].
In the Tanakh (Old Testament, e.g., Exodus 3:2, Judges 2:1, Zech 3:1-3, versus Isaiah 37:36, 2Chron 32:21, 1Chron 21:15) the context of the usage of the phrase "angel of the Lord" shows that, sometimes it's a reference to Messiah (from everlasting as His Father), although appearing as "messenger of the covenant" (Malachi 3:1). John 5:23 "that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him". YishaYah 9:6, "unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon his shoulder. And he shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace".
In John 3:16, "His only begotten Son" speaks of His only manifested life. Hebrews 1:3 "the Son, being the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by the word of his power". Col 2:9 "in Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily". 1Tim 3:16 "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the Gentiles, believed on in the world, taken up in glory ..." . That Messiah is "firstborn over all creation" (Col 1:15, Hebrews 1:1-8) speaks of His preeminence as our brother (the new Adam). Here "firstborn" is not really of chronology but it speaks of significance in His incarnation (most excellent human being). In Psalm 89:27, God is speaking of King Dhavid who is a picture of Messiah to be manifested on earth: "I will make him my firstborn, the highest of the kings of the earth".
23 May 2018 .
An email i just sent to an author and blogger:
Dear Trudy, i read your article: "Every Erection Isn't Lust". You pointed-out some things which are true and needful against popular misconceptions that have spread from Church Leaders. However, you said: "Modesty is more about respect for ourselves, than respect for others though that is a part of it ... And, regardless of her Self-Respect or lack thereof, she is worthy of (your husband's) respect. Each one is God’s creation, made in His image and likeness, and ought to be treated with the Same Level of Respect As If It Was Jesus standing (there)".
In such statements of yours, i sense another popular insidious spirit (the psychologizing of the faith). I encourage you to visit my website ( and click on the page RECOMMENDABLE, then scroll to the articles "Psychology And The Evangelical Church", and "Psychology In Prophecy". Luke 14:25-26, "Now great multitudes went with Jesus. And He turned and said to them, “If anyone comes to Me and does not HATE his father, mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple".
You wrote: "And if the beauty that stands or sits before him, triggers a bodily response, causing an erection or stirring some sexual desire, he has to make that choice again, to look away, to walk away, or do whatever it takes in order to honour and respect the woman in front of him".
Trudy, your understanding of "modesty" is Human Respect, How About God Our Loving Creator ? ?! How About Being Conscious of Him To Whom All Glory And Praise Belong and therefore not showing-off to draw attention to ourselves or that we be respected, honoured and adored by humans?? The Scriptural spirit concerning "modesty" is this: it shuns SELF FOCUS or self-glory because that's what the Enemy is all about (Isaiah 14:12-17, Ezek 28:17), that God not get all glory and praise but that somehow the created robs Him of some of the glory, when in-fact all glory and praise belongs to the Creator alone. Isaiah 42:8, "I am YAH, that is My name, and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to idols". 1Cor 13:4-5, "... love does not parade itself, is not puffed up ... does not seek its own ..." . Ezekiel 28:17, "Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor". SELF RESPECT, SELF FOCUS is the fountain-head of all sin and death.
Gen 39:7-9 "... (Joseph's) master’s wife cast longing eyes on Joseph, and said, “Lie with me.” But he refused and said to his master’s wife ... How then can i do this great wickedness and sin against God?" . The focus of those who are truly of God isn't SELF-Respect or the feelings of others, but God's Will [and His delightful embrace of my soul]. The focus is not me or others but on our Loving Creator to whom be all the glory and praise forever. He is the one that teaches His children what Love is and how to care for others.
In your comments with the evolutionist, you wrote: "My God offers freedom of choice, and shame on me if I try to take it away!" . The evolutionist wrote: "as an atheist, I would say a lot of views similar to yours come from the enlightenment and western liberal thought, rather than the bible" . Both of you wrote: "This is the grown up way to behave." [i.e., to respect people's feelings of autonomy against God].
Trudy, another popular perversion of Scripture many like you have received from Church Leaders is the Lie that God gives us Freedom To Choose whether we want to kill a baby or not, and whatever else we think we have freedom to choose. However, the Scriptural Truth is this: God created us with freewill to love Him, and Scripture doesn't actually say: "go-ahead I give you choice to be the boss or turn against Me if that's what you want". The Atheist you conversed with is right in saying that, this is Human Thought Not Really Biblical.
Shame on you?? if you try to convince this NARCISSISTIC Generation that they have being deceived in thinking they have the right to continue eating/relying on the Tree of Knowledge of Good versus Evil?? (Gen 2:17) a right that only belongs to the only Legislator (our Loving Creator). Concerning respecting people's feelings of autonomy against God, you and the Atheist say: "This is the GROWN UP way to behave", but Jesus said, "unless you be converted and become as LITTLE-Children, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matt 18:3)
2 June 2018 . God Wants To Change What We're Excited About:
Although it's not every bodily excitement/erection that comes from a sinful type of lust, the common saying that "God created me with this drive/orientation and arousal" isn't really true because these reactions or drives have actually been deformed/corrupted in the FALL and our departure from the pure Eden state, and over these many centuries of increasing deformity. If hunger and thirst were part of the original creation, it's definitely not the type we experience today. In Eden, the purpose of eating and drinking was enjoyments to the praise of our Loving Creator, not because any physical food would sustain us, since there was no death or [physical] weakness prior to the Fall [although there was nakedness, spiritual weakness prior to the Fall into that nakedness of the finite/created] . Our original state in Eden isn't something we can imagine; we really lost it.
By personal experience i know that God wants to purify our desires more and more. For example, i have come to the point of experiencing God's Loving Embrace producing excitement in me that causes arousal/erection in my physical body. Matt 6:21, "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" . Isaiah 60:5, "Then you shall see and become radiant, and your heart shall swell with joy, because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you ..."
If "Christian" men get excitement/erection because of certain type of physical beauty but don't get excited by other women who they consider unattractive, then that's the sinful nature in display because 1Samuel 16:7 says, "... Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees, because man looks at the outward appearance, but YAH looks at the heart”. God wants to purify our desires, views and outlook more and more, that Christ be formed in us. Too many Church Leaders and "Christians" are not progressing spiritually because they keep finding the loop-holes of Scripture by which to remain in the flesh and be more imperfect since Scripture say we are imperfect, instead of finding the Great Mystery (1John 4:12) of God dwelling in us to overcome and enter into more new life. They love Scriptures such as 1Cor 7:9 "if they cannot exercise temperance, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion", then they say God created us with these passions, therefore they never enter into what God really wants for us. God is restoring back to Eden those who really want Him. Matt 19:4-8, "Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning made them male and female ... Therefore what God has joined together, let not one separate. ... Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so".
"what God has joined together, let no one separate" is a picture of what God really wants, His Passion to mingle with us and always dwell with us, which results to praise of His Love. He gave His Life for this mysterious union to always be. God didn't create you in vain. There's a mystery to what you are as a human being, if you don't embrace that great mystery and grow in it, then you have lost it all and your life is in vain. 1John 4:12, "No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us". Restoration back to Eden but at this time we still need clothes to cover our physical nakedness and we still cannot marry our physical siblings.
Under Love's Care To His Praise
- Taiwo
5 June 2018 .
It is true that God blesses His enemies (people who don't care about His ways) yet everything they enjoy is from God who they don't praise, yet He grants them "miracles" and mercies but they praise their idols such as medical-science instead of our Loving Creator. Psalm 107:31, oh that people would praise the Lord for His kindness towards them. The desire of God and New Testament is that: earthly blessings and miracles point to our Loving Creator and Saviour of our souls, so people can pursue His Teachings and receive His Embrace of their souls. When God gave us His Love (from everlasting) it wasn't only for those who would take advantage of this in the right way, but it's for the whole world - 1John 2:2, John 3:16
Does God grant the wishes of people who are deliberately or ignorantly in relationship with deceiving-spirits because of their lackadaisical or lukewarm attitude towards the Message of Life?
Yes, God may grant some of their desires even as they praise their idols, God may grant them miracles even as they are in relationship with deceitful-spirits, in-fact, God is always blessing His enemies (people who don't really care about His Teachings). All those who have been looking to "queen of heaven" to help them (whether Eastern Orthodox, or Aladura Churches, or Catholics and others), need to show us in the New Testament anything that even resembles the "Hail Mary" prayers or hoping in dead-saints' intercession when the resurrected-Messiah is our only advocate, 1Tim 2:5 "For there is one God and one mediator between God and humanity, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all ..."
See Jeremiah 44:15-28, and 7:16-20 . In Deut 13:1-11, God said He will allow fake-prophets to bring wonderful signs and miracles "... because the Lord your God is testing you (so you can know the joy or sorrow) whether you love the Lord your God with all your spirit and with all your soul. ..." . 2Thess 2:9-12, "... with all power, signs, and lying wonders ... among those who are perishing because they did not receive the love of the truth and so be saved. (Therefore, they embrace) powerful delusion, that they should believe the Lie ..." . Dan 5:23, ... you have praised the spirits of silver and gold (earthly/human achievement) ... but the Spirit who grants you breath and owns all your ways, you have not glorified.
8 Jun 2018 .
Ezekiel 28, reveals that, what turned one of the morning-stars into the opposition (satanic) is that it began focusing on its beauty instead of Praising God who created it beautiful. Ezek 28:17, "Your spirit was lifted up because of your beauty, you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor ..." . When people say "Jealousy" is the root of sin, i can see how that's an application from Isaiah 14:12-17 which doesn't specifically mention jealousy, however Pride (the DECEPTION of Self-Will, autonomy) is the root of sin and the fountain-head of all other sins. Jesus said Satan is A LIAR and the Father of Lies. In Eden, we allowed that spirit to infect us with its deceived SELF-FOCUS (as if we are self-sustained). Our consciousness need to be with God and His goodness which then makes us Praise Him and give Him all the glory. We should never focus on SELF, that's what caused all this destruction.
When little-children disobey their parents, it's not because they are "jealous" but rather due to the DECEPTION of SELF-Will (as if we are on our own apart from God) which we allowed to infect us. That's the core of the sinful nature from where all other sins are birth. 1Tim 3:6, "not a novice, lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil". Selfishness in the sense of not caring for others is a symptom (fruit), not the root of sin which is in the feeling that we are on our own apart from God, or self-made, and that, that's not so bad since we have the gifts to sort things out and survive, but that's not the Life God intended. The life that God intends is one that feels like it's Under Love's Care To His Praise.
22 Jun 2018 .
The following originated from my recent reply to a relative of mine, then i began sending it out:
Qur'an 112:3-4, "Allah does not give birth, nor is He begotten. And there is none like Him”. Q9:30, "The Jews say Ezra is the son of Allah, while the Christians say Messiah is the son of Allah. Such are their assertions by which they imitate the infidels of old. Allah destroy them! How perverse they are!"
John 3:16, "For God so Loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten SON ..."
Concerning the use of Allah in Arabic Bibles, serious Muslims rebuke those Christians by quoting the Qur'an and Hadith which clearly says: Allah has no children or Beloved Son. Arabic Bibles should be using Elohim to avoid the confusion of Allah who has no children, Beloved Son or Love.
Qur'an 37:151-152, "Surely it is out of their Lies that they say: "Allah has children," and indeed, they are Liars."
The Jewish Scripture: Old and New Testament clearly teaches that the true-God is FATHER of humans (His Children) because at the core, we are spirits (made in His Likeness). "Father" means source. Clearly Allah didn't create any soul or spirit since he declares that he has no children. Therefore Allah has no Love for humans by which to give His only Beloved Son to clear them of their imperfections. In John 3:16, the phrase "His only begotten Son" speaks of His only manifested Life. Hebrews 1:3 "the Son, being the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by the word of his power". 1Tim 3:16 "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in flesh ..."
Qur'an and Hadith says that, New Testament and Old (Tanakh which begins with Torah) are perversions because the narratives are different from Muhammad's version, and that Isa (Jesus) the Messiah never died but was substituted with someone that looks like Him for crucifixion and that Jesus (Isa) was snatched-up to heaven WITHOUT DEATH OR RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD. The fact that Qur'an and Hadith accuses Jews and Christians of changing the narratives of the Old Testament (Tanakh which begins with Torah) and changing the narratives of the New Testament is not a small issue to be ignored.
2 July 2018 . Qur'an 67:2-3, “Allah created death and life to test you as to which of you is best in deed ... Allah created seven heavens in layers. You do not see any inconsistency in his creation.”
On the contrary, death, sufferings, and this decayed world were created by humanity with satanic spirits because this is not the world God created, Eden, according to Jewish Scripture: Old and New Testament. Therefore Jesus taught disciples to pray: “Yes Father we rejoice in Your coming kingdom, Your will be done on earth as in heaven ...” . Qur’an teaches opposite, saying that Allah created death and life to test humanity who he doesn’t consider his children, since Allah isn’t a father with love for humanity. Qur’an and Hadith teach that everything happening on this earth is Allah’s Will including deaths and sorrows. However, in the Tanakh (Old Testament, specifically Torah) when Joseph’s brothers did evil to their junior brother, God allowed it even-though they were acting contrary to God’s will but God has wisdom and power beyond evil-doers. All (including so-called “Christians”) who think that everything happening in this fallen-world is God’s will are following Lies.
20 July 2018 .
From a phone-text to my friend: ... you once asked me about the defining of sin as "whatever is not of faith" (Romans 14:20-23). You didn't give me details on the question, however, let me again say something on that issue. That's one of the scriptures that Pastors are perverting so they can allow all sorts of things against God. For example, Pastors could use that to ignore the headcovering instructions of 1Cor 11, or allow the observing of a winter-birth of A Christ who wasn't born in winter, by saying: "but my conscience is comfortable on this, therefore you cannot say that i'm sinning. We are not under Law but under Grace, therefore since i have FAITH and peace in my heart, how can you say i'm doing wrong".
IF THE SCRIPTURES OF GOD contradict our conscience or feelings or what is "normal" to us, then we must reject our feelings and listen carefully to Scripture. We walk by Faith in the Message of Life, not by sight (human understanding) or feelings nurtured into us by norms of Culture. IF THE SCRIPTURES OF GOD contradict that popular or "normal" thing we like to go with, then we are in error, and our conscience and feelings need to be made new BY THE SCRIPTURES OF GOD. In Romans 14, those particular things (drinks, Shabat, Kosher) are the real non-essentials, not all the things being allowed by Pastors today under the guise of "non-essential". Furthermore, 14:20-23 makes it clear that the enjoyment of Christian Liberty (publicly) must curtail itself out of Love for those who are struggling under the IDOLATRY of such enjoyments (which a strong Christian can enjoy privately). 1Cor 8 to 10 deals with this issues as well, but Pastors have really perverted the instructions, hence the need for articles of mine such as "Pets Are Delicious Meat". I give details in articles such as "REBUTTAL - Legalism The Scourge of Christianity", where i explain that, even if a Christian isn't under the IDOLATRY of Frivolous Entertainments, how can a real Christian who thirsts for more of God waste the free-TIME that God graciously grants him/her on useless things such as watching Baseball, Olympics, Super Bowl, FIFA World Cup, Pageants, etc . Eph 5:15-16, "See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the TIME, because the days are evil". 2Tim 2:22, "Flee youthful passions, but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart".
Just as the New Testament forewarns about the corruption/apostasy that will takeover most Church Leaders in these last days, most so-called "Bible-believing" Pastors are mis-using God's Love to teach whatever they want. Since i left Calvary Chapel in 2003, i have not found real Bible-believing Church with Leaders who embrace the Biblical Teachings i'm sharing. The following is another example:
1Cor 1:29, "that no flesh should glory in His presence". Don't be like the fallen angels. "... For this reason the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels. ..." . 1Cor 11, "... Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonors his head. But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, for that is one and the same as if her head were shaved. For if a woman is not covered, let her also be shorn. But if it is shameful for a woman to be shorn or shaved, let her be covered. For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. ... For this reason the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels. ..."
For 1,900 years since the beginning of New Testament churches, majority of Church Leaders understood that when we gather, men should remove hats while women should have a veil covering their hair. That understanding changed only in the last 100 yrs as majority of Church Leaders began yielding to Social Pressure more and more.
In 1Cor 11 Paul praised them for keeping the traditions as he delivered them to the Churches, but he corrects them about one of the traditions/customs (headcoverings). Afterwards, he corrects them about how they were observing Communion. Baptism is another tradition/custom. "... Now i praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things and keep the traditions just as i delivered them to you. But i want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man ... v16 But if anyone seems to be contentious (against this tradition), we have no such custom, nor do the churches of God".
Today, traditions that were unheard of in the New Testament Churches, are now being observed (e.g., winter-birth of A Christ who wasn't born in winter).
15 Dec 2018 . Acts 15:28-29 is a decree to Gentile Churches, spoken by the Holy Spirit and the Jewish Apostles: that we abstain from things offered to idols, from sexual immorality, from blood and from strangled animals. Here i'm only going to deal with the mandate to abstain from blood. Full details of this is in the Torah but Gentile Churches are instructed to only follow the essence which is given in Acts 15 . This is not forbidding medical blood transfusion, neither is it forbidding husband and wife from enjoying each other during menstruation as in Lev 15:24, however, it's a clear mandate that we honour the Lord symbolically by not partaking of foods cooked along with blood as ingredient. An internet encyclopedia records that cultures around the world cook and eat such, . In 1Cor 11 there's another clear teaching that we should honour the Lord symbolically in the headcovering instructions when we gather. The following is a correction i just sent to a "Torah observing", "Messianic" Pastor who doesn't reside in Israel -- You wrote: There is a phrase that is quite often used when teachers introduce something contrary to YHVH’s Word, they say: “YHVH made all things; therefore, it is good; the adversary stole it and corrupted it.” Abba YHVH does not change; He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Heb 13:8)! If He commanded us not to do something, He still doesn’t want us to do it. He won’t give us any new revelations contrary to His Word!
You're wrong; He redeems the dead and the unclean. He didn't create in vain. Ravens fed Elijah. God doesn't change in essence but His mode of communication changes. Hebrews 1:1-2, "God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son ..." . It seems you are determined to continue rejecting Mark 7:14-23, Acts 15, etc. Since 2003 when i left Calvary Chapel, i have not found a real Bible-believing Church with Leaders who truly teach Acts 15:29 as they allow IDOLATRIES and reject various New Testament Scriptures such as 1Cor 11 (headcovering instructions) as they continue mis-using God's Love and adulterating various New Testament instructions.
Under Love's Care To His Praise -
17 Aug 2018 .
In the days of Noah, after the global cataclysm, humans lived about 500 years on the earth before dying. Clearly, human physical stature and health was far superior than what it has deteriorated into. Therefore it shouldn't be surprising if archeology discover some giant decay of 8ft or 2.44m corpse. However, scriptural emphasis is not on the physical but the essence/spiritual. During Noah's time, God destroyed all the evil giants and all humanity. The nephilim/giants in Num 13:33 are Noah's physical descendants just like Israel and all humanity. Concerning the days of Noah and the evil giants, Jesus' commentary on it should silence all the speculations: Matt 24:37-39, "as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be". Jesus' view on the nephilim issue simply focuses on humanity's lifestyle (earthly focus) and spirit of being self-made (a lying consciousness of not being Under Love's Care but independent) and in-charge to do as they wish. Jesus spoke of it as something that gradually became "the norm" everywhere. Today in these last days, evil giants are increasing on the earth, meaning: God's Era will soon burst upon this world and all things shall be restored back to Eden.
According to Strong's definition, "nephilim" in Gen 6:4 can be understood to mean tyrants or bullies. Clearly, those impostor gods (giants) along with all humanity are fallen-beings having received seeds of the deceitful spirits/angels. Gen 6:4 makes it clear that, those evil giants existed before Noah's time and also during Noah's time. Of course they had to be pre-Noah because since the Gen 3 mingling/intercourse (not physical) which Eve had with that insidious spirit, humanity had continued receiving seeds of the deceitful spirit in their being. As humans, we are spirit/beings. Woman or "daughters of men" is a symbol meaning humanity/culture. Gen 6:4, "There were giants (nephilim) on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown". Today, as Jesus foretold, a major sign announcing His second coming/appearing, would be the increase of that same Nephilim spirit of Noah's time. Those giants are violent men especially in their philosophy or views which contradict God's view, as they feed humanity their own definitions of what "Love" is or What Life's All About. 1John 2:18-19, "Little children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many impostor-christs have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us but they were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us, but they went out that they might be made manifest that none of them were of us".
In Mark 10:25, Jesus said of those who are considered "big" (socioeconomically): "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” . 10:13-15, "Then they brought little children to Jesus, that He might touch them, but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased (indignant) and said to them, 'Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Assuredly I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it” . That's the opposite of giants/gods. The more one sees him/herself as God's baby, the more such a person is transformed into a true-Christian: God's Likeness, in His Love and character, not sovereignty or ability. Psalm 8:2, "Out of the mouth of babies you have perfected praise (established strength), because of Your enemies, that You may silence the enemy and avenger". To see yourself as God's little-child is the opposite of the SELF-Made Deception which doesn't enjoy giving all praise and glory to our Maker, Sustainer and Saviour. That Lie originated in the Enemy itself (Isaiah 14:12-17, Ezek 28:17). There are some "Christians" who are being deceived by giant-Pastors who are teaching them to use imagination/mental powers to breakthrough into the spirit-realm for the purpose of creating whatever they desire and take over the world for "God". They love quoting Psalm 82:6, "I said, 'you are gods and all of you are children of the Most High", 82:7 "but you shall die like men and fall like one of the princes".
The SELF-Righteous Deception. The "Self-made" Lie.
Dan 5:23, ... you have praised silver and gold (human achievements) ... but the God who grants you breath and owns all your ways, you have not glorified. Psa 145:8-9, The Lord is gracious to all and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy. His tender mercies are upon all His works. Col 1:20-21, "and by Messiah to reconcile all things to Himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross. And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled". Fallen angels or deceived spirits are sons of God too being sustained by God, and His tender mercies are upon them too. Their denial of this reality is the core of their sin, and they love to see themselves as SELF-Made, and they don't delight in giving their Maker all the glory and praise. Although Scripture already shows us the end of the Father of Lies (originally created as a morningstar), it seems some of the deceived spirits will yield to truth (God's Love) and adoption. Concerning the Father of Lies (and the fallen angels), Ezek 28:12-17 says "... you were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden the garden of God ... The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created. You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you"
Ezek 18:23, "Do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?” says the Lord God “and not that he should turn from his ways and have life?" In Luke 6:35, Jesus said: "Love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High because He is kind to the unthankful and evil".
While the majority of Evangelicals are guilty of misusing Grace and having a lackadaisical attitude with God, others such as me have been guilty of labouring under SELF-Efforts and not really enjoying the Abundance of God's Loving Kindness as if my Maker is not patient with my imperfections or as if He doesn't accept me due to my imperfections. How wrong i have been on this for years. In 2001, for the first time, i entered into a major realization of being set-free from self-labour and feelings of condemnation as i saw that my Loving Creator is much more than what i thought of His gentleness, patience, kindness and acceptance of me in His Love. Since last year, i have been transitioning in a major way from the self-labour and invalid feelings of condemnation which i had become used to since 1997 when i began following the Lord. Col 2:18-23, "Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility ... These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility and neglect of the body, but are of no real value ..." . Matt 6:3, "But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing" . Be filled with His Loving Presence, it will drown self-conscious religion and the invalid feelings of condemnation. Real Christian life is not something we produce but an overflow of our Maker's presence with us as we keep standing in His assurances. Eph 2:7, "that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus". Luke 12:32, "Fear not, little flock, it is your Father's good pleasure (delight) to give you the Kingdom". This translates into a life that's very different, full of joy and peace always, rejoicing in His Love towards all, praising Him. We have not been given a spirit of bondage or hard-labour again to fear but the Spirit of Adoption by whom we say: Abba Father; our trust is not in ourselves. 1John 2:1, "Little children, these things i write to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have a covering (advocate) with the Father, Messiah the righteous".
23 Aug 2018 .
The feeling that we are on our own, is the satanic spirit, different from ImmanuEl (God with us). In Gen 3, the insidious spirit that we allowed to come upon us, basically says: "this Gracious God is not really for you because He is keeping something good from you: tree of knowledge of good and evil; legislature by self". The nature/design of how we are easily under this spirit or the opposite, is very within us, readily available with us, and with fruit (natural consequences) reflecting in our feelings, state of being and outlook, based on whether we are dwelling in the spiritual reality that, our Maker did not create us to be far from us, but that we are actually living in His Loving Presence and under His Loving Adoption for His Praise and that we are His Garden/Planting, for His glory (Isaiah 61v3 . Romans 8v15); or based on whether we are into something else (a created entity) less than our Creator, for example, SELF, that's the satanic spirit, whether we know it or not: Prov 3:5-8, Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezek 28:17 . In Matt 6:22-23, Jesus said: "The eye (consciousness) is the light of the body, if your eye (view) is good, your body will be full of light. But if your consciousness is adulterated, your body will have darkness. ..." . How we feel about our Maker is vital, it's everything; don't allow that insidious spirit. Your Maker is really for you and with you in love, resulting to His Praise.
In one of Paul's outreach to pagans, he said: "God who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made by humans. Nor is He worshiped with human works, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath and all things. And He has made from one blood all the nations to inhabit the whole earth, and has determined their preappointed times and boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us, because in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring" (Acts 17:24-28) . In John 14:23, Jesus said: "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My teachings, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him" . Romans 10:6-8, the righteousness of faith speaks in this way, "Do not say in your spirit, who will ascend into heaven? ” (that is, to bring Christ down from above) or, “ Who will descend into the abyss? ” (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your spirit” (that is, the message of faith which we preach) . In John 6:63, Jesus said: "It is the Spirit who gives life; the physical profits nothing. The words I speak to you are spirit, and they are life". Jesus gave that clarification because the majority in the crowd were thinking that He was literally saying: unless they feed on His flesh and drink His blood, they have no life. Therefore, Jesus clarified by saying: "What then if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before? It is the Spirit who gives life, the physical profits nothing. The words I speak to you are spirit, and they are life" (6:62-63)
20 Sep 2018 .
An altar signifies what our life is all about; it's a statement of what is the most important entities or things or issues to us. As for me, i rejoice that i'm Under Love's Care To His Praise. Lev 16, "... sprinkle the blood on the mercy seat and before the mercy seat. So he shall make atonement for the Holy Place, because of the uncleanness of the children ... and because of their transgressions, for all their sins, and so he shall do for the tabernacle of meeting which dwells among them in the midst of their uncleanness. ... For on that day (Yom Kippur) the priest shall make atonement for you, to cleanse you, that you may be clean from all your sins before YAH. ..."
This meditation is about the proper altar or life of sweet aroma to our Maker according to His Word to the Jews and humanity, versus the prevalent fake-worship. 2Cor 10:4-6, "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Messiah, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled" . 2Chron 32:10-12, Thus says Sennacherib king of Assyria (to the Jews): "In what do you trust, that you remain under siege in Jerusalem? ... Has not Hezekiah (your king) taken away the high places of your God and His altars, and commanded Judah and Jerusalem, saying, 'you shall worship before one altar and burn incense on it”? . The confusion is amazing. It's amazing how the majority consider fake-altars to be acceptable and so-called "Pastors" and "God's people" relate to God with worldly thinking and practices for so long (e.g., Christmas among many other unscriptural ways) and don't even realize they are relating with deceitful-spirits (impostors). One of the places in which i give details of this, is in my article "REBUTTAL - Legalism The Scourge of Christianity". Truly, God has been too gracious, as Christian Leaders neglect His instructions and lead many astray as Grace and Love are being misused. 1Kings 18:17-21, ... when king Ahab saw Elijah, he said, “Is that you, O troubler of Israel?” And Elijah answered, “I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father’s house have, in that you have forsaken the instructions of the Lord ..." And Elijah came to all the people, and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If YAH is God, follow Him but if Baal, follow him”. But the people were silent.
Mixing worldly thinking with God's way is the way of that insidious spirit (the snake). 1Kings 3:3-4, "Solomon loved the Lord, walking according to the instructions of Dhavid, except that he offered sacrifices and burned incense on the high places. King Solomon went to Gibeon to sacrifice there, for that was the great high place [approved by God] ...". The spiritual fornication began early in the establishment of the nation (Judges 2:1-4). Israel who was instructed to only have modest altars (Exodus 20:23-26) and without the vanity of ascending up on elevated altars, brought-in the opposite and allowed social pressure of the world as a mix into the worship of the true God. Deut 12 "... You shall not worship the Lord your God with such things. ... Take heed to yourself that you do not offer your burnt offerings in every place you desire, but in the place which the Lord chooses, in one of your tribes, there you shall offer your burnt offerings, and there you shall do all that I command you. ..." . Don't allow the phrase "high place" to confuse you, scriptures such as Jer 7:31 and Isaiah 57:4-9 show that "high places" were in valleys too, in other-words the phrase signify a "spiritual" place due to an altar there. God was not against high places (1Sam 9:19, Gen 22:13-14) but He is against the majority of them because of the meanings that the people attach there, or what they are about and the statements they make contrary to what life is about. When God's tabernacle was in Shiloh, He forsook His own high place, altar and people because they were doing whatever they wanted and mixing other meanings to His high place (Psalm 78:58-61).
Our lifes are the spiritual places of worship. God created beauty, enjoyment, and earthly/sensual things. He is not against these things (1Tim 6:17-19, Jer 9:23-24) but most Pastors are not helping people to be delivered from the idolatry which the Pastors don't even recognize as idolatry; they are into insidious teachings. Jesus said: "these people honour Me with their lips but their spirits are far from Me". Ezek 22:26, “... [Christian Leaders] have profaned My holy things, they have not distinguished between the holy and unholy, nor have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean ...” . see 2Chron 32:10-12
In Gen 4:3-5 we see the early spiritual offerings: two types of offerings or life-statement. The Cain type of offering to (the infinite) God are those that emphasize earthly blessings/power in their "thanksgiving" (Exodus 32), they emphasize human abilities (finite) and trying to appease (the infinite) God by human sacrifices/efforts (finite). The AbEl type of offering of thanks, acknowledges our Maker who is blessing us with all we have earthly and spiritual; it rejoices in our Maker's sacrifice (infinite) that covers our souls with God (eternal, Hebrews 11:4) . 2Cor 9:15, "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift". Romans 12:1-2, "Therefore, i plead with you brethren, through the mercies of God, offer yourselves to God as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your true worship (reasonable service to God). And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God".
9 Aug 2018 . Gen 2:7 "the Lord formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into him the breath of life, and man became a living being" . Gen 3:11, the Spirit witnessed in Adam, “Who told you that you were naked? How did you come to this which was not a problem before? Have you began eating/relying on the opposite of the Message of Life?" . Before humanity began departing into fixation on self and "independence" which highlights our nakedness/emptiness, God gave us His life (Gen 2:7), the only thing that satisfies this empty vessels He created. This is like fish and the habitat it must dwell in, if it doesn't want to keep flopping in misery/shame on a dry ground of "independence". When our consciousness is of His Loving Presence, our emptiness is satisfied and our nakedness is covered by His loving embrace of our lifes, resulting in praise of Love. Gen 3:21 "... for Adam and his wife, the Spirit (through Adam) made garments of skin and clothed them", similar to Num 21:9 through Moishe.
Luke 20:37 "... Moses named the Lord (who manifested at the burning bush): ... the God of Yakob", this statement by Jesus shows us how Jesus/YahShua read Exodus 3v6, contrary to how we read Exo 3v6 or how we have been taught. Exo 3v6 was not an external voice coming to Moses, but it was wisdom within Moishe as the Spirit spoke within Moishe concerning the marvelous appearance (external) to Moses.
29 Sep 2018 .
Jesus said "God is a spirit", a wonderful spirit. God is Love (1John 4). Yah'Shalom with us His house/garden, who accept His claim over us. Throne of God is not made of gold but of special angels/spirits (Cherubim, mercy seat) on which His children will sit along with Him as rulers over those angels/spirits, over everything else (Rev 3:21, 2:26-28). The nature of the Spirit's relationship with angels compared to His relationship with humans, is like the relationship of A Servant King with his entourage and servants of comforts versus the intimacy with His bride and children. In Scripture, "sons of God" b'nai Elohim is not only used for humans but also used for angels (iyob 38:4-7, Luke 20:36, iyob 1:6, 2Peter 2:4-5, Gen 6:2-4). However, angels are on a lesser level in sonship than humans because only humans are heirs of the Father and joint-heirs with Messiah, while Scripture clearly says that angels are not heirs (Hebrews 2:5-10, 1:13-14). Some angels, or maybe all of them, have a similar relationship to the Spirit as humans (Rev 22:9, Col 1:20). In the Book of Revelation (ch.1 to ch.3), humans are referred to as "angels". We are all under a type of spirit (or another) which we carry/reflect and which we allow to carry us (Matt 16:23, Luke 16:22, 1John 4:12).
Although there will always be some mysteries with this Loving-Transcendence, after we are fully restored to our position of toddlerhood with this Gracious Father, spirit realities will be more understandable. These things are not of this physical reality but spirit realm. In Rev 19:11-14, the horses on which Messiah and His children sit and ride from the spirit realm into this earth, are clearly not earthly horses but spirits and angelic in nature. Rev 3:21, "To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne ...", is stated another way in 2:26-28 which helps us understand 3:21 to mean deputies not of physical proximity to Him but spiritual. That exotic angelic throne are extensive spirits (Isaiah 66:1-2). The nature of our relationship to this Servant King who serves us in our core/being is different from our relationship to the angelic host and Cherubim that He created to serve us in other ways. God Himself is the Prime Servant to all He created: visible sons of God or invisible angels. Like birds and animals but invisible, this multitude/cloud of spirits (e.g., brilliance) serve us like an extensive plane with footstools extending from the angelic throne serving the King and His children ruling over the angelic throne/mercy seat, Cherubim - 2Sam 22:11, Exo 25:18-21, Ezek 10:20, 28:12-17 "... you were the anointed cherub who covers, I established you. You were on the holy mountain of God ... you sinned, therefore I cast you down as a profane thing out of the mountain of God, and I destroyed you, O covering cherub ... your spirit became lifted up because of your beauty, you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor; I cast you to the ground, I laid you before kings, that they might gaze at you". Psa 110:1-2, ... YAH said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool. ... Rule in the midst of Your enemies!" . Luke 10:19-20, Gen 1:26-27, Romans 16:20, Rev 2:26-28
13 April 2019 . Rev 14v10-11 "... they shall be suffering their eternal loss ... in the Presence of the Love/Lamb ... And the smoke of their suffering ascends forever and ever, and they have no rest day or night ..." . "they shall be cast into outer darkness", "away from the Presence of the Lord" is not about physical distance from the Omnipresent. Many who are superficially His bride/kids are heading for the horrific experience of being in outer darkness, Luke 13v23-27 . Isaiah 45v23-24, I have sworn by Myself, the oath has gone out in righteousness and it cannot be revoked: every knee shall bow before Me, they shall confess saying "surely in the Lord i have righteousness and strength". All who have raged against Him will come to Him and be put to shame . In 2Kings 7v2, an officer of the king spoke in unbelief against Elisha who had announced the good news that God was going to refresh/restore the land physically. The prophet then announced that the unbelieving officer will see the blessings but not partake of it, and it happened so: in the presence of the blessings, the unbelieving is not able to partake of it (2Kings 7v19, Acts 17v27-28, Rev 14v10).
Based on each person, there will be different degrees (experiential) of eternal loss, regret, disappointment, hell, fear, etc. (Luke 12v47-48). In blissful souls too, there will be different degrees of bliss individually (1Cor 3v12-19, Gal 6v7).
Even when angels transform into an adulteration which they were not created as, and begin exalting themselves (like Pharaoh in Exodus who represents the morningstar that fell, Isaiah 14v12) or when angels become deceitful, the Creator will still be glorified because by wisdom the Transcendence created all things: "for this purpose I raised you up, that My Name be declared in all the earth (Exodus 9v14-17), that all may know that there's none like Me in all the earth". Check for the context of that statement in Exodus, and you will see that the context is God's Kindness towards Pharaoh; that statement is exactly of God's children too who flow with Him under His adoption. God Himself is the Prime Servant to all of us: "bear each other's burdens and so fulfill the Law of Christ". Unadulterated angels are serving-spirits (Heb 1v14) . . . What is the Law of Christ? an unchanging message found in Eden (delightful abundance) before humanity began turning away from this Principle of Christ: He meets every need, it's all for His Praise. How do we "serve" the Infinite who sustains nature and invisible realm (A God who needs nothing)? by allowing His Love to replace fear of our failures, nakedness, worry, etc., allow His Love to dispel malice, pride, etc. As much as you can "bear each other's burdens and so fulfill the Law of Christ". How do toddlers "serve" parents? by the joy of loving the toddlers who are a display of how glorious and wonderful the parents are, and by being yielded to their parents (trust: receiving their parents' spirit/message).
Because the Source of all life is A Message, He is worshiped and "served" by being (spirit), flowing with His Realities (truths); this is deeper than observable works which can be superficial (Matt 15v8, John 4v21-24). Good works without the internals of Under Love's Care To His Praise, equals zero/satanic. At the core, how is woman a "helper" of man (Gen 2v18)? At the core, how does she "serve" man? by allowing him to continually take care of her and love her internals, then she blossoms/flourishes and becomes more beautiful and pregnant by his love; life then develops in her, then she bears fruits of love. This requires her Trust of the man. Eve is a display of how glorious and wonderful Adam is . . . 1Cor 11v9 can be misunderstood to be saying: man is not a servant taking care of woman, and that woman "serves" man. The real meaning of v.9 is that: woman (e.g., pregnant woman) is a display of how glorious man is, just as humanity is a display of how glorious the Infinite is. 11v10, the angels are a display of how glorious our Source is. All of creation is a praise to God. 11v11-12, woman originally came from Adam; verses 11-12 should be understood as pertaining to earthly man and woman including the last Adam, the Son of Man, the greatest mystery manifest in flesh and bones (Luke 24v39) through humanity of a virgin, although woman originally came from Adam; "but all things are from God". Yes, many generations later, the father can come through his descendant. However, there's a lot of specifics we're ignorant of. We don't know exactly how Eve was made from Adam, or specifics of how Adam was made from dust by the infinite Spirit who transcends the invisible realm. . . . Acts 17v25 is not saying that the Transcendence shouldn't be worshiped or served because it is too beyond us. How to worship or "serve" it is the issue: not by our works but by our being, acknowledging it as our Source, Sustenance and Saviour.
3 Oct 2018 .
God in all His grace and forgiveness is readily available but how can the unrepentant access this without acknowledging faults, mistakes and sins? Recently in a phone conversation, a relative said of himself that he is not perfect. I responded by saying "that's not the point, i'm not perfect either". Many are misusing this biblical statement as an excuse instead of specifically confessing whatever has caused a breach in a relationship. There are no words to say how evil the misuse of God's Grace is. Many are deceiving themselves with statements such as: "we are all sinners, no one is perfect", therefore they feel excused to not accept the honest way of forgiveness and repentance. Among other scriptures, Luke 19:7-9 shows that a fruit of true repentance is "restitution" (Matt 5:23-24, Eph 4:26), not only does it specifically confess and apologize for the wrongs, it also seeks to restore the wrong it is confessing. Ahead of time, Scripture warned about the perversion of God's Love which is prevalent in these last days among so-called "Christians" as they follow their deceitful Pastors: Matt 7:21-23, 2Peter 3:15-18
God in all His grace and forgiveness is readily available but how can the unrepentant access this without acknowledging faults, mistakes and sins? Jesus said to His elders (the elders of Israel): “how can you escape the damnation of Hell?” In relationships, if you act as if all is well to the unrepentant, you are destroying that person and the relationship cannot be made better by deceit. 1John 1:3-8, "... if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves ..."
3 Oct 2018 .
What's Life All About? It is wonderful and thrilling to realize that our Loving Creator is really ImmanuEl. It is so wonderful to be living in this spiritual reality of what God created me as, living in this consciousness that i'm a place for experiencing His Loving Presence to His Praise. O! my wonderful Maker. He didn't create us in vain. O! this is thrilling!! It's like toddlers under their parent's Love. This is what we departed from in Eden into independence and painful labour. Jesus said "I assure you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of Heaven as a toddler will by no means enter it" (Mark 10:15).
15 Oct 2018 . What's Life All About? Isaiah 61:3 "... garments of praise replacing the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the garden/planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified". Be conscious of Him who created everything. He sustains everything. He is restoring His creation back to Eden. Be conscious of His Loving Presence and adoption of you; quit self consciousness and self-reliance (Romans 8v15). For the repentant: stay on the fact that God counts you right with Him based on what He is: "God is Love" (1John 4). Other parts of Scripture speak of being made right with God by faith: "righteousness of faith" in a Loving God (Romans 9:30-33, 10:1-8). We can never merit God. His house rules are for us to follow as children. 1John 2:1, little children, these things i write to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have a covering (advocate) with the Father, Messiah the righteous. Eph 1:6, "to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved".
The comforter within believers convicts the world of sin because they don't trust their Loving Maker. This Spirit of Truth convicts the world on righteousness: that they are not right with their Loving Creator because they are not dwelling in Love and the Father, and they don't know His Loving Presence in their lifes. This Comforter convicts the world of damnation because they are following the worldly spirit which is damned already because it focuses on its self/beauty, its wisdom, might, and riches instead of rejoicing in our sustainer to whom all the glory belong. John 16:7-11, Jer 9:23-24, Ezek 28:17 . In John 7:7, Jesus said to those who were not really following Him: "The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil", even-though God did not send His Love into the world to condemn His fallen creation but that the world may be saved and restored through Him. Nevertheless condemnation remains upon those (and the deceiver) who still want to feel that they are on their own and in-charge; see John 3:17-21.
For the repentant, make sure you continually stay on this: God dwells with us graciously, in forgiveness, in Loving-Patience, to the praise of the glory of His grace, "... so that the repentant not be swallowed up with too much sorrow ... so that satanic spirit not take advantage of us ..." (2Cor 2:7-11). Jesus said that "God is a spirit", a wonderful spirit, ImmanuEl. 1John 4:12-19, "No one has seen God at any time. If we have love within us for one another, God dwells in us, and His love is maturing in us ... There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But whoever fears has not been made perfect in love. We love Him because He first loved us". Secondly, God allows challenges to come so His name can be more glorified as we learn to become His toddlers and release the troubles to Him: "The battle is the Lord's" (2Chron 20:12-17).
In John 3:14-15, Jesus said "as Moses lifted up the bronze snake in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life". In Num 21:4-9, just like us, the Jews were again focusing on their problems, owning the problems, being in-charge and complaining against the Lord as they did constantly in the wilderness instead of releasing the problems to Him as little-children so His name can be more glorified. Therefore snakes and death began to overcome them and this is clearly a picture of their spiritual condition just as the insidious spirit which humanity began allowing (Gen 3) to outwit us by believing its Lies that God is not really for us because He is keeping something good from us: independence, "tree of knowledge of good and evil", legislature by self. The Message of Life destroys that deceiver in us by showing us that He is not keeping any good thing from us by giving His Life to satisfy us and cover us, 1John 3:8, Gen 2:7, 2:25, 3:21 . In the wilderness (Num 21:4-9) God provided for the dying (prideful) Jews and told them that anyone who looked at the bronze-snake would be restored. The bronze meant God's Judgement, the snake meant sin. The Jews had to turn their focus/consciousness to God's loving provision for forgiveness of their anti-YAH spirits of complaining against Him instead of trusting Him during the challenges.
In Num 14:20-21, the Lord said that His name will be glorified in all the earth contrary to the unbelieving Israelites who perished in the wilderness, opposite of the believing Israelites such as Joshua, Kaleb, Aaron, and their descendants. By the time of Mal 1:11, His name was no more limited to the descendants of Israel because by this time, His name was received among the Babylonians, Persians, and others who now worshiped Him because of the influence through men such as Daniel, Dhavid and others. In Mal 1:11, the Lord continued saying that His name shall be great in all the earth as He spoke long ago in Num 14:20-21. Today through Messiah, His glory continues to gradually fill the earth as unbelievers continue perishing along with many so-called "Christians". O! we haven't seen anything yet, His era is coming when He will reclaim the earth back to His Eden forever.
28 Oct 2018 .
Isaiah 66:1-2, "... But on this one will I look (favourably): on him who is poor (child-like) and of a repentant spirit, who trembles at My word". THOUGHTS and Feelings need God's Forgiveness continually, more than speech and actions. A truly repentant spirit is always watching the thought-life before actions come. It's always watching to make sure its views/perspective are in accordance with God's Realities contrary to this Satanic Culture. It's always seeking the root, the dynamics behind the scenes. We who don't have blatant sins to deal with, still have perspectives/orientation and feelings that are unbiblical, which we must have a repentant spirit in regards to, by confessing (acknowledging with God that such perspectives and orientation are unpleasing). Such persons are dwelling with the Gracious Spirit in continual acceptance and cleansing: Luke 19:7-9, Matt 5:23-24, Eph 4:26-27 .
2 Dec 2018 . I saw a couple allowing their toddler to have her way and be in-charge against the mom who was trying to keep her warm against the cold; that's the insidious snake that kills all of us. We see the ways of the world around us and before our consciousness all the time, and there's a subtle agreement we (serious Christians) have with the world because we have the same human nature (fallen). This is why we must be TOTALLY DETERMINED for God's Unadulterated Teachings which are contrary to popular ways; otherwise we will only know of God's Love and not know His Life in us. That's a very scary thing that's not good at all (Matt 7:21-23). I meet people who tell me that, they are the ones who define what "love" is, or what "rude" is. They don't see God, although He sustains them and they are enjoying His Love in the wrong way and ignorantly, they feel they are in-charge of life. God temporarily allows all this madness in the world, and He created us with freewill because HE WANTS A MARRIAGE WITH US. Those who appreciate His Love marry Him freely by passionately receiving His unadulterated teachings continually, as they go against the flow of a deceived world and a deceived church.
17 Dec 2018 . The only way anyone falls for social pressure is based in the feeling that God is less important and that God is not near to us like people (Luke 14:25-26). Everyone is a "believer" because we all have our trust in something, maybe in human systems or self which is actually being sustained by God, not us, yet that Lying Spirit wants people to feel that they are in-charge, so God is not really praised.
There's SOMETHING that keeps people and "Christians" unaware of how great and deep is the transformation that needs to continue upon our eyes/perspective to return us and our orientation back to the wonderful state we transformed from. We may not see that thing but it is the core of our fallen nature, that thing is self, full of self (Pride). Jeremiah 17:9-10, "The human spirit is DECEITFUL above all things and desperately wicked/sick who can understand it? I, YAH search it and examine the mind to reward each person ..." . We need to be aware of this insidious thing in us which can powerfully keep us unaware of the fact that there's a glorious state we transformed away from, otherwise, this insidious thing in us, will make us closed to the MANY CORRECTIONS meant for our return back to that wonderful state of being which we fell from. For anyone to continually receive the undoing/fix that is meant for our return back to that wonderful garden-Palace where we were toddlers greatly cared for, such a person acknowledges that our present reality is very far from what God originally created. Jesus said: no one can return to that wonderful Palace unless they be converted back to being Toddlers and receive that Life as toddlers (Mark 10:15, Matt 18:3). Along with total dependence under Love's Care, toddlers are teachable and CORRECTABLE.
Our perspective on what God originally created us as, what God is to humans, What Life's All About, whether it's all in vain because our present experience is painful labour and more work which we transformed into since Genesis 3 as we began feeling that ImmanuEl is not really with us and not really Love, because we are here by ourselves apart from the Spirit, and we are in-charge. All that Lie and challenge of the earthly spirit (Gen 3v1) on Life-Perspective, needs a great fix (undoing/unlearning) continually in us. In Matt 6:22-23, Jesus said: "The eye (consciousness) is the light of the body, therefore if your eye (view) is good, your body will be full of light but if your eye is bad, your body will be full of darkness" . 6:28-32 "... Consider the flowers of the field ... they neither labour or spin, and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the flowers of the field ... will He not much more clothe you? O you of little faith. Therefore do not worry ... The pagans chase after all these things but Your Heavenly Father knows that you need these things". 1John 3:8, For this reason the Son of God was manifested: to undo the works of the devil. Mark 6:5-6, Jesus could not do miracles there because of their unbelief, except that He laid hands on a few and healed them. He marveled because of their unbelief, then He went about the villages teaching them.
15 Jan 2019 . 1Peter 4v8, "... Love covers a multitude of sins" . it is true that, in God's loving-patience with the unrepentant (those who don't care about His ways) God covers their secrets. However, it is unprofitable to use God's Kindness in that way because Scripture clearly teaches us to confess our sins to one another that we may be healed (James 5v16-17). If the sin is in the THOUGHT Level, then confession/acknowledgement in the Spirit (in secret) alone covers for it, as the person doesn't intend to follow the thought or entertain it . If the sin is by expression or action against another human, then the offender needs to move in repentance, acknowledgement, and apology towards the other. Prov 28v13, "Whoever covers his sins shall not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them shall find mercy" . Confession is good for the soul; one should make an habit of acknowledging mistakes and faults too. Love covers the repentant. James 5v19-20 "... whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins".
1Peter 4v17-19, "For time has come for judgment to begin first in God's house ... let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls unto Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator. Now, if the righteous are scarcely saved, what will be the end of sinners?" . John 16v1-2 "These things I have spoken to you so that you may be kept from stumbling (when they start happening) ..." . In the instruction by Peter, Scripture is comparing the experiences of the repentant with the unrighteous. The struggles that the repentant-imperfect continually experience as they pay attention to the ways of God and are faced with the snaky/insidious spirit of self-righteousness (when life is actually about God's unmerited kindness towards us, to His Praise) therefore God purifies His people first (with persecutions too), versus the coming Realization/doom that will be experienced by sinners (the unrighteous) who don't care about what life's all about, and who don't care about the Ways of Life but live as if they are in-charge, for self pleasures and their own praise. Jesus said that, repentant prostitutes and sinners enter the Kingdom of God first and easier compared to the religious leaders who are full of themself (Matt 21v31) . Humanity is like fish that has departed from its habitat and has been flopping in misery on a dry ground of "being in-charge". God has no pleasure in all that pain and misery which humanity have brought upon the earth, but eventually the earth will be cleansed in fiery judgments. Those who are truly under the covering of the Lamb rejoice in this wonderful Saviour. Ezek 18, "do I have any pleasure in the death of the wicked? as long as I live" says the Lord, "I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that they turn and have life" (Ezek 33)
15 Jan 2019 .
m.o., How does the Lying Spirit transform us into its likeness of self-focus, fixation on the created (Ezek 28v17), materialism/superficials and Lies that sees the created as being in-charge apart from the Loving-Transcendence (Romans 1v21-23) to whom all praise and attention belong (Isaiah 14v12-15). We are transformed into that perverted consciousness by allowing Lying Feelings that we are on our own (or all knowing, Gen 3v5 . giants on the earth, Gen 6, Nephilim Spirit) and that God is not really for us, and that, God is keeping something good from us (independence, knowledge of good and evil, legislature by self). "For this cause the Son of God was manifested to destroy the works of the devil" (1John 3v8). ImmanuEl helps us see the Truth, that: God is the one sustaining us and blessing all of us including His enemies. ImmanuEl (the Living Message, long before the New Testament, Gen 2v7) is always communicating His Loving Embrace of us contrary to the Lie that God is not really for us. In His embrace of us, He bears responsibility for us and our nakedness/deficiencies (Gen 2v25, 3v21). Since humanity departed from Eden and began this transformation/perversion into what God did not create us as, we have lesser regard for what God values. God doesn't value self-sufficiency and human achievement, He values acknowledgement of Him who is graciously sustaining us and blessing us to His Praise. He is the one sustaining and blessing His enemies too as they continue focusing on themselves, creation and abilities rather than the Everlasting Father to whom be all praise and glory.
What makes them "enemies of God" is the deception of being self-made which they follow contrary to Truth: the earth is the Lord's and everything in it, including you. Praise God who didn't create us in vain but to be His happy toddlers to His Praise. You are not on your own; God is with you. He is King of heaven and earth. These spiritual realities need to be dwelling richly in us, otherwise life is in vain.
Better than earthly parents, why would your Maker create you and not be with you in Love? The God of Peace dispels the enemy-spirit from you. God Himself has said: "I will never leave you nor forsake you", so we may comfortably say, "He is my helper, i will not fear" (Hebrews 13:5-6). God i don't want to live in lies anymore. A deadly spirit transferred to us by our parents and guardians from Adam and Eve. How come as a boy in High School i felt that God is so far from me when the truth is that, my Maker is very interested in me, helping me and saving me to His Praise.
If your consciousness/perspective is good, your body will be full of light (Matt 6v22). Is not life more delicate than food? is not the body more superior than clothing? Why are you worried about food and clothing when God is the one giving you life, immune system and vital organs? Contrary to the Lies, it's not possible for anything in life (e.g., autonomy) to be better or more delightful than the Author of Life (Romans 1v20-25). We should not allow the problems we face to be greater than His Loving Presence (Romans 8v31-39). We should be His little-children. Since humanity departed from Eden and began this transformation/perversion into what God did not create us as, we have lesser regard for what God values.
Thoughts and feelings came to Messiah about using God's Love in wrong ways. Just as YahShua rejected those satanic feelings by saying "away with you Satan for it is written", we too begin rejecting feelings and thoughts that are not in accordance with God. We start rejecting Lying feelings and thoughts which are not in accordance with the God of Peace who "in Messiah reconciles the world to Himself not counting their trespasses against them" but who bore our sins and troubles for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ. This Good News of great joy is the power of God unto Salvation/transformation to those who receive it and enter into it. HalleluYAH. He has no delight in death of the wicked. This wonderful God saved Egyptians too even-though they were initially against Him. Through Moishe He told them ahead of time that cataclysmic hailstones were coming to their region that would wipe-out everything, therefore they should please take the animals to safety and go into safety as well (Exo 9v14-29). Many Egyptians converted to Jewish Life as God delivered the Jews from their bondage/slavery, those Egyptians joyfully followed them out of the land of bondage as they also took refuge under the blood of the Lamb given to the Jews (Passover).
Scripture has its Key Points or Emphasis in the midst of other things it speaks of. For instance, this scripture about the Thessalonians and Satan are secondary to the primary and major facts of Scripture, 1Thes 2v18-20, "... Satan hindered us ... For you are our glory and joy", but God is our glory and joy and He superintends over all satanic spirits. Another example, Scripture calls us to good works but the power is not in self-effort but in the continual receiving of God's Perspective on life, resulting to His Praise. Instead of allowing the stormy sea of a fallen-creation to hold our attention in this wilderness journey, we must cultivate a consciousness of the Lord; ImmanuEl is not a lie. Death to self-imposed religion and its "lying appearance of wisdom" (Col 2v23). The Power/Foundation of Prayer is in rejoicing in our Maker's Loving Adoption, thanksgiving (Phil 4v4-7), not fasting or "labouring in prayers" as one seeks to cast cares upon the Lord. Another example: "who is led astray and i do not burn with indignation" (2Cor 11v29) is not the emphasis of Scripture, otherwise we would always be angry and sad; instead, the emphasis is 1Tim 2v8, "pray everywhere without wrath or doubting", but don't allow the internal devil/accuser to lock you up in self-condemnation because we contend against Liars (Acts 15, Jude 1v3-4). Another example: Ecc 12v13-14 is a vital summary but not complete because it mentions nothing about God being our righteousness covering us and that He graciously sustains all creation to His Praise.
John 16v31-33, what a scripture, lest we come under a cursed spirit. Take the God of Peace who dispels the satanic spirit from you (Romans 16v20). You're not sinning when you complain to God (Hab 1v2-3). "I have heard the groaning of Israel ... and I have remembered My covenant" (of deliverance, Exo 6v5), it's different from complaining against God (Num 21v4-5, bronze serpent) but when you feel that you're complaining against God, return to the fact that you don't know all things, then rest in His Love (Num 21v8, John 3v14-15). He is not the one making you feel guilty always "... lest the repentant be swallowed up with too much sorrow ... lest the satanic spirit take advantage of us ..." (2Cor 2v7-11). Abide in His Love, rejoice in Christ and have no confidence in the self. It's not a sin when you notice beauty and what's attractive in nature, as long as you are enraptured with the Creator and praising Him for His wonderful works (Deut 4v15-19, Rev 22v8-9, 19v10) . Jesus said that, He will deny those who deny Him because of social-pressure (Matt 10v32-36); His disciples all forsook Him because of fear of death but in less than two months, their change in life-perspective was evident publicly as they joyfully went against the religious-Leaders who were arresting them and physically abusing them to no avail (Book of Acts). Those who deny the Lord but acknowledge their failures with a repentant spirit (John 16v31-33), are not the same as those who don't care about acknowledging the Truth. Judas actually acknowledged the truth about his failure and Messiah's innocence (Matt 27v3-5) but he allowed that insidious spirit to take advantage of him unto suicide (due to self-reliance).
13 Oct 2019 .
A meditation about Yom Teruah (Day of Joyful Noise).
Psalm 24 "... Lift up your heads, o you gates; be lifted up (rejoice), you everlasting doors, that the King of Glory may come in ..." . Psalm 118 "... Blessed is He who comes in the Name YHVH! We have blessed You from the house of YHVH ..." . Matt 23v39 . ZecharYah 12v10, that era (Day of the Lord) is spoken of as "remembrance", HaZikaron, "a memorial of joyful noise" (Lev 23v24) because it "brings back" YHVH visibly/sensually to Israel (second "coming"), therefore it leads to the washing of His Sacrificial Love (Yom Kippur) which leads to the finalizing of Sukkot with His Bride (Revelation 21v3 . 21v12). Remnant Physical Jews are very much central of this Bride (Matt 23v39, ZecharYah 12v10) . Rev 12v16, "the earth helped the woman (physical Jews) by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had poured out of his mouth" . Rev 20v4-6 . Romans 11.
Luke 21v25-28, "And there will be signs in the heavens and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring (especially after the Abomination of Desolation); men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. ... when these things begin to happen, stand up, lift up your heads (rejoice), because your adoption draws near" . 1Peter 1v13, "... rest your hope (assurance) fully upon Grace which is to be brought to you at the Revelation of Jesus Christ".
ImmanuEl is always here with us, yet He is "coming". Here's another paradox of Scripture, better expressed by the following expression concerning the Omnipresent who will "appear a second time": Titus 2v13 ... we await the appearing of our great God and Saviour ... Hebrews 9v28 ... (Messiah) will appear a second time ... is a better way of communicating the final visible/sensual "coming" of ImmanuEl who is always with every soul though they may not be in-tune with His Loving Presence (omnipresent - Gen 2v7, Acts 17v27-28, Hebrews 13v5, Romans 10v6-8).