Cutie Pork
Cute and Delicious
Pets Are Delicious Meat
Similar to some points in this article, there's nothing wrong with openly breastfeeding toddlers in public,
but perverted culture which uses breasts for advert/money and vanity of PRIDE (Nephilim Spirit), make moms to feel shame for openly breastfeeding toddlers in public.
Breastfeeding is a wonderful design of our Maker and should never be covered at all
but joyfully done anywhere without shame.
Oral and Anal Sex Are Condemned By God
However, the nature of the Supreme Spirit is LOVE, and this is one of the phenomena misinterpreted that adds to the ambiguity/confusion in its message among us (sensual/earthly beings) as to what is right or left
(Eccl 8v11 . Yonah 4v11) . "He granted their desires but it became sickness in their SOULS", Psalm 106v15.
In the U.S., majority of the reason (90% from 1st trimester to 3rd) behind terminating of life in a mom's womb is similar to why 1Cor 7 says "... it is good for a man not to touch a woman ...". It's a lot of responsibility, not only materially but mentally/spiritually, and the present world we live in is too dangerous.
[email protected]
The real means of communicating with the Spirit is by our being because God is A Spirit; see Luke 7v37-40.
Real prayer and fasting are internal (with the spirit) not by human language or mere abstention from food; these externals/expressions can be deceitful (Matt 15v8) but "God" is A Type of Spirit we need to be in flow with, by our being. Along with Luke 7v37-40, here are more examples of spiritual fasting: "not My will but Father's will be done" (Luke 26v39), "... away from Me, you evil spirit ..." (Luke 4v5-8). YishaYah 58 says: true-fasting is in showing Kindness to the needy because we are all truly dependent on the Kindness that sustains us all to His Praise. Isaiah 58 says: true-fasting is in the Shabat (resting by quitting from self-based Christianity), it says true-fasting is: start bringing relief to the oppressed, and to stop oppressing the poor. The core of spiritual fasting is the turning away from deceit of Self-based Life, the Lie of Self-sufficiency and Self-Righteousness; turning away from the earthly and focusing on the Generous Author of Life, so as to flow with the LOVING-Transcendence. Phil 3v3-9 "... rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the self ...". Phil 4v4-7, Rejoice in the Lord always, again i say rejoice; let your moderation/gentleness be evident to all because the Lord is with you and for you. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by releasing it to God (prayer) with thanksgiving, that's how you make your request known to the SPIRIT which already knows your needs before you knew it.
This intro is a more complete view than what i wrote in this article years ago. The answer to: what is fasting? is found in John 3v30, "He must increase, but i must decrease". This does not necessarily mean abstention from foods, drinks, enjoyment or marriage (Col 2v23 . 1Tim 4v1-5). Fasting is the humbling of the soul before God (Ezra 8v21), like repentance, fasting is foundational in Christian Life, and it can look different from person to person based on what each has been neglecting/rejecting (see Letters To The Churches, Revelation 1-3). Some "Christians" today need the following fast: Matt 10v33-35, Pro 29v25, "Fearing people (or social pressure) leads to a trap but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe" . James 4v4, "do you not know that friendship with the world is ENMITY WITH GOD? Whoever wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God" . This is also why most Church Leadership began rejecting/neglecting 1Cor 11 headcovering instructions as they began exalting self-beauty, just like the world, showing-off and exalting themselves; this is WHAT THE SATANIC SPIRIT IS (Ezek 28v17 . Isaiah 14v12-15), the nephilim spirit (Gen 6) which Jesus said will become the norm just as in Noah's time before total destruction, now coming by fire not water, as the real Owner reclaims His earth unto restoration of all things . That "Christians" are trying to be like the world and friends with the world, is the opposite of repentance, or prayer and fasting (2Chron 7v14); the coming torment is upon "Christians" too as they are sealing/cementing their souls under this curse currently.
Singing "worship" songs is not what real worship is. Real worship (like fasting and true-prayers) is with your being and life, in what you are and the on-going transformation, not mere outward expressions, not what you say with your lips which can be fake (Matt 15v8) . For some people, the fasting that God is calling them to is: QUIT FROM SELF-Effort, Self-Righteousness, Self-Works, quit from Self-based Christianity or Self-Discipline . Isaiah 58v13-14, if you embrace the Shabat (REST) as a delight, your healing shall appear. Neh 8v9-10, "... do not mourn or weep. (For all the people wept when they heard the Words of the Law). Then he said to them: go and enjoy choice foods and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength", His delight over us, is your strength
- Spirit of Adoption, Romans 8v15 . 2Sam 7v23-24 .
Hebrews 4v11, "... pay careful attention to enter that REST (Shabat), so you do not perish according to their example of UNBELIEF (and disobedience)", "... FAITHLESS and perverse generation ..." (Matt 17v17).
Acts 3v12 "... Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?", does not contradict Matt 17v21 "this kind (of spirit) cannot depart except by prayer and fasting”. The question is: do we know what it means to "be praying (and fasting) without ceasing" (1Thess 5v17) . The popular view of Matt 17v21 which is so strong and at home in us, in our fallen nature of Self-Effort, Self-Based Christianity and Self-Discipline, will keep that Glorious Life UNKNOWN to us forever A MYSTERY to us, as we keep paying lip-service to salvation by Grace. Whatever Jesus was saying in Matt 17v21, it is against our natural propensity of SELF-Based Christianity, and in-line with the transformed Peter speaking Acts 3v12, in-line with Matt 17v20 which tells us that the evil spirit cannot depart because we be living in ourselves instead of be living on Jesus Name. The Master said in Matt 17v20 that the problem is our lack of faith in God; but even with pure faith, and when we see correctly (Matt 6v22-23) and are rejoicing in the Lord, He may have other plans beyond our pure faith (e.g., John 11v3-6, He allowed death to happen) . So-called "Christians" have been taking advantage of Love in a wrong way because the Message of Life shows that Love/God covers our imperfect faith (John 16v30-33 . 17v8) and nakedness (Gen 2v25 . 3v21), but "Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked ..." (Gal 6v7) ."He granted their desires but it became sickness in their SOULS", Psalm 106v15.
1Thess 1v3, "... your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by Love, and your perseverance inspired by assurance in our Lord Jesus Christ" . 2Peter 1v3-8, "because His divine power has granted us everything we need for a godly life through our consciousness of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence, by which have been granted us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may become partakers of divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by selfish desires. For this very reason, pay careful attention, so your FAITH produces moral excellence, knowledge, temperance, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being worthless or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ".
1Cor 7v5 may sound as if spouses that abstain from romance and sexual relations are devoted in prayer, but this is a misunderstanding of that verse. The true understanding is this: both spouses or one of them, for a period, really desires to be alone in undistracted consciousness of God, not desiring to be with anyone at all including work or school (i.e., fasting, recharging by REFOCUS). Marriage's romance and sexual relations cannot hinder consciousness of God's goodness (prayer) IF perspective is filled with the Lover of our souls (Matt 6v22-23) couples can rejoice in the Lord together spiritually (prayer) while enjoying earthly-love as they exalt the Spirit who is making a name for Himself by our existence and His Providence (internal) showing that He claims us and bears responsibility for us; this means bliss for those "toddlers" in flow with this Meaning of Life (Mark 10v15 . Romans 8v15 . YishaYah 55v1-3)
Meditation, Prayer, and Fasting
Scripture attempts to communicate An INDESCRIBABLE Gift/Life (2Cor 9v15).
Hebrews 9v19, “When Moishe had proclaimed every command of the law to all the people, he took the Blood … and sprinkled both THE SCROLL itself and all the people” . There would be no need for the scroll/tabernacle to be sprinkled with blood if Scroll is the Infallible Living Word who alone is truly infallible.
Scripture seeks to communicate inexpressible things: life in the Spirit and realities of the spirit-realm; these things are beyond human language (Mark 4v30). Scripture has expressions that must not be taken on face-value or literal because the meaning of those expressions are different from normal usage of those words or phrases. Scripture has a terrible weakness: DEFICIENT HUMAN LANGUAGE. Thankfully, Scripture repeats its messages in various ways . THE SOLUTION is a spiritual one, not focus on languages/lexicons: Matt 4v4, man shall not live by food (the physical) alone but by every Message of God. Acts 20v27, i have not shrink back from declaring to you the Whole Counsel of God . However when so-called "Christians" are busy chasing after money or food, the spiritual solution just communicated becomes totally elusive and a mystery again.
There are too many so-called “Bible-believing” Pastors that need honest eyes by which to re-read scriptures such as 1Cor 13v9, Heb 9v21–24, Lev 16v16 and 2Cor 9v15 which teach that even the original manuscripts are not the Living Word who alone is infallible. Scripture is Trustworthy but only God the Living Word is INFALLIBLE compared to earthly expressions of it (Heb 9v21-24). We need to be HONEST because Human Language is one of the deficiencies in the Prophets and Apostles; 1Cor 13v9 agrees with this. The "we" in 1Cor 13v9 includes the writer of Scripture: "we know in part and we prophesy in part". If the earthly expressions/copies of the Living Word are infallible, they won’t need God's Sacrificial Love (sprinkling of blood, Hebrews 9v19) to cover the human taint that’s within them.
SOLOMON is an example in which some "messages from God" cannot really be trusted. We need to be HONEST on what is infallible because only God is infallible not the earthly copies of the Living Word but the Living Word Himself which we can say Prov 30v5 and Matt 5v18 is speaking of.
Just so you can have an idea how your Church Leaders have become very satanic in the last 100 years, teaching you deceitful dogmas by refusing BASIC HONESTY, read 1Cor 11v5–6.
The Living Word (the only infallible) speaks through Fallible Creation (Romans 1v20-23) which includes the Prophets and Apostles using deficient human language. Romans 1v20-23 says that people are ascribing to the earthly, the glory that should be ascribed to the only Infallible/Incorruptible (1v23).
Many "Bible Teachers" are dishonouring the Living Word by refusing to make distinction between the earthly Scroll versus the Infallible Living Word (Heb 9v21-24).
Inexpressible Joy
When Scripture speaks of "predestination/election", this is DIFFERENT from the popular view that has been spread in many Churches by those teaching TULIP which has roots way-back in Augustine, a catholic father. Here are few scriptures that definitely destroy the popular/satanic view of "predestination/election" : 1John 2v2, "Christ Himself is the Atonement for our sins, and NOT FOR OURS ONLY but also for the whole world" . "For God so loved the world ..." (John 3v16) . Hebrews 10v26-31, "... Of how much worse punishment do you think someone will be worthy of, who has ... counted the blood of the covenant by which HE WAS SANCTIFIED a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of Grace? ..." . "Therefore be all the more diligent to make your call and Election SURE ... (2Peter 1v10) . Isaiah 45v23-24, I have sworn by Myself, the oath has gone out in righteousness and it cannot be revoked, that to Me everyone shall bow, everyone shall confess saying "SURELY IN THE LORD I HAVE RIGHTEOUSNESS and Strength”. To Him, ALL shall come, and they shall be ashamed who were incensed against Him . This agrees with Phil 2v9-11. Contrary to Calvinists' view of John 6v43-44, many scriptures such as Isaiah 45v22 show that our Maker (in whom EVERYONE has Righteousness) is drawing/calling everyone to Him: “Look to Me, and be saved, all you ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other".
Although humanity keeps transforming away from Gen 2v7 into being like animals, Gen 2v7 makes clear that, in reality, humans are not animals/barbeque but "sons of God" having the Spirit/Breath of Life with us (reflecting God, ought to be). Acts 17v27-28 confirms this as Paul is preaching to Pagans and telling them that, in reality, they too are children of God, not animals. The Good News (gospel, also before Messiah came) seeks to restore every soul to that delightful CHOICE OF GOD (i.e., God's Destiny/Will for us, God's Choice/Election for us, which is: "sons of God", which He created us as in the beginning before we began transforming into the Lie of Autonomy and its burdens).
1Tim 4v16, "Watch yourself and the teaching closely, continue in them for in so doing, YOU WILL SAVE YOURSELF and those who listen to you", it's noteworthy that the Apostle didn't say "... GOD will save you and those who listen to you" . 1Cor 3v17, "If anyone destroys the temple of God (by pride and unrepentance), God will destroy the person because God's temple is holy, and YOU ARE HIS TEMPLE". Consider carefully the verse i just quoted to see who destroyed the self/temple of God. This is similar to 2Thess 2v10-12 which says that God will send powerful delusions on people BY THEIR OWN DEPARTURE INTO FALSEHOOD. That verse can be stated as: people bringing powerful delusions upon themselves by embracing falsehood . Due to Calvinists' false humility and distorted view of God's sovereignty, Calvinists would love a version of 1Tim 4v16 that says "... GOD will save you and those who listen to you", but no translation express it this way. All the various versions say "... by so doing, YOU WILL SAVE YOURSELF and those who listen to you".
Exo 32v33, "whoever has sinned against Me, that's the person I blot-out from My book". The manner of expression in Romans 9v20-23 can cause confusion if someone is reading it without the light of scriptures such as 1Peter 1v1-2 "... elect according to FOREKNOWLEDGE of God ...", Romans 8v29 "... whom He FOREKNEW, He also predestined ..." . Exo 32v33 clearly means everyone's name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, although a surface-reading of Rev 13v8 and Acts 13v48 disagrees with Exo 32v33. This paradox is because: if people are not accepting that their names are written in the Book of Life, then their names will not be found in the Book of Life (Isaiah 45v23-24 nkjv). Rev 14v10 shows that every fallen spirit suffers its eternal loss regretting in the Presence of the Love/Lamb forever . Exo 32v33, no one knows when a hardened soul becomes too "independent" and therefore can no more enjoy God's Loving Presence as His little-child, at which time God (by that person) declares no more hope.
Some "Christians" feel that in order for humans to experience Hell, God has to have a wrathful character or that God has to be active in tormenting these little-ants called humanity (Isaiah 40v17), but the correct view of Hell is actually internal experiences (such as needless lack of contentment/peace; lack of fulfillment; needless fear, shame, emptiness; lack of meaning, etc) in the Presence of Love/God which "independent" souls cannot enjoy although He is here for them (Rev 14v10, Isaiah 45v23-24 nkjv) . Psalm 106v15, He granted their desires but it became sickness in their souls. Eternal Loss (hell), or eternal bliss (heaven) is more than physical torment or physical enjoyment, it's really an internal state of being according to what spirit you're accustomed to, or in which you are presently cementing/sealing your soul . Isaiah 54v4-5, how does anyone experience widowhood and lack of peace when the Lover can never die? Answer: either by Misuse of Love or by "independent" spirit, instead of being in the consciousness of Under Love's Care To His Praise.
"vessels of wrath prepared for destruction" is by human-will, creating self according to human likeness/will in opposition to GOD'S INTENT and how He originally made us: in His reflection/likeness, sons of God, never for destruction/divorce or a curse, Matt 19v8 . In Matt 23v37-38, Jesus is WEEPING over His lost children saying to them that the house is left desolate BECAUSE "How often I have longed/desired to cover you, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you are UNWILLING!". Luke 9v54-56, When His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to call fire to come from spirit-realm and consume them just as Elijah did?” But Jesus turned and rebuked them, and said, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. For the Son of Man has not come to destroy humans but to save them”
In Scripture, the Messiah is known as the Elect/CHOICE of God, also the Jewish people (Wife of God) are known as the Choice/Elect of God because that nation is a sign God chose for communication, to bless the whole world. That nation is also symbolic for those who are truly children of God among fallen-humanity. The Jewish nation is also symbolic for all of humanity (evil or good, sons of God), that's why Jesus said: "Just as Moses lifted up the bronze-serpent in the wilderness (to save the JEWISH NATION), even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever be living on Him would not perish but have Life. For God so loved THE WORLD ..." (John 3v14-16) . Calvinists presume that if people are perishing by human will contrary to God's Will, then this means God is not sovereign/powerful, therefore Calvinists teach that God created majority of humanity for Hell by LIMITED ATONEMENT only meant for the Unconditionally ELECTED of God who grants this chosen ones: irresistible Grace . Contrary to that satanic view of Scripture by Calvinists, God is not a power-drunk rapist wanting His Sovereignty above everything else. He created Free Will spirits/beings because He wants A Loving Marriage with humanity (Revelation 21v2) Not Rape or Sovereignty/Power. In Rev 3v14-20, Jesus is outside the Church, knocking/begging His "children" for access into His house because they had insidiously "let Him go". Is this the will of God for the chosen ones? yet it happens by human will against God's Will. Resurrected-Jesus could have easily appear in the house whether they want Him inside or not, yet He is begging His "children" for access into His house. This is the way of Love, not a power-drunk Calvinist wanting Sovereignty above everything.
1Cor 11v7 and other scriptures show that woman is the symbol for humanity and its glory, while man is the symbol for our Maker and His glory as He seeks MARRIAGE to humans. If we don't flow with Him, wonderful love and fruits cannot happen although that's His Will (John 11v39-40, Matt 13v58). Contrary to Calvinists' distortion, the Scriptural view is this: those who are saved are so because God wants EVERYONE to be saved, while the majority who are perishing are so by Human Will and Pride contrary to our Maker's Love.
God Did Not Create Anyone For Hell
Pets Are Delicious Meat
Similar to some points in this article, there's nothing wrong with openly breastfeeding toddlers in public,
but perverted culture which uses breasts for advert/money and vanity of PRIDE (Nephilim Spirit), make moms to feel shame for openly breastfeeding toddlers in public.
Breastfeeding is a wonderful design of our Maker and should never be covered at all
but joyfully done anywhere without shame.
Oral and Anal Sex Are Condemned By God
However, the nature of the Supreme Spirit is LOVE, and this is one of the phenomena misinterpreted that adds to the ambiguity/confusion in its message among us (sensual/earthly beings) as to what is right or left
(Eccl 8v11 . Yonah 4v11) . "He granted their desires but it became sickness in their SOULS", Psalm 106v15.
In the U.S., majority of the reason (90% from 1st trimester to 3rd) behind terminating of life in a mom's womb is similar to why 1Cor 7 says "... it is good for a man not to touch a woman ...". It's a lot of responsibility, not only materially but mentally/spiritually, and the present world we live in is too dangerous.
[email protected]
The real means of communicating with the Spirit is by our being because God is A Spirit; see Luke 7v37-40.
Real prayer and fasting are internal (with the spirit) not by human language or mere abstention from food; these externals/expressions can be deceitful (Matt 15v8) but "God" is A Type of Spirit we need to be in flow with, by our being. Along with Luke 7v37-40, here are more examples of spiritual fasting: "not My will but Father's will be done" (Luke 26v39), "... away from Me, you evil spirit ..." (Luke 4v5-8). YishaYah 58 says: true-fasting is in showing Kindness to the needy because we are all truly dependent on the Kindness that sustains us all to His Praise. Isaiah 58 says: true-fasting is in the Shabat (resting by quitting from self-based Christianity), it says true-fasting is: start bringing relief to the oppressed, and to stop oppressing the poor. The core of spiritual fasting is the turning away from deceit of Self-based Life, the Lie of Self-sufficiency and Self-Righteousness; turning away from the earthly and focusing on the Generous Author of Life, so as to flow with the LOVING-Transcendence. Phil 3v3-9 "... rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the self ...". Phil 4v4-7, Rejoice in the Lord always, again i say rejoice; let your moderation/gentleness be evident to all because the Lord is with you and for you. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by releasing it to God (prayer) with thanksgiving, that's how you make your request known to the SPIRIT which already knows your needs before you knew it.
This intro is a more complete view than what i wrote in this article years ago. The answer to: what is fasting? is found in John 3v30, "He must increase, but i must decrease". This does not necessarily mean abstention from foods, drinks, enjoyment or marriage (Col 2v23 . 1Tim 4v1-5). Fasting is the humbling of the soul before God (Ezra 8v21), like repentance, fasting is foundational in Christian Life, and it can look different from person to person based on what each has been neglecting/rejecting (see Letters To The Churches, Revelation 1-3). Some "Christians" today need the following fast: Matt 10v33-35, Pro 29v25, "Fearing people (or social pressure) leads to a trap but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe" . James 4v4, "do you not know that friendship with the world is ENMITY WITH GOD? Whoever wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God" . This is also why most Church Leadership began rejecting/neglecting 1Cor 11 headcovering instructions as they began exalting self-beauty, just like the world, showing-off and exalting themselves; this is WHAT THE SATANIC SPIRIT IS (Ezek 28v17 . Isaiah 14v12-15), the nephilim spirit (Gen 6) which Jesus said will become the norm just as in Noah's time before total destruction, now coming by fire not water, as the real Owner reclaims His earth unto restoration of all things . That "Christians" are trying to be like the world and friends with the world, is the opposite of repentance, or prayer and fasting (2Chron 7v14); the coming torment is upon "Christians" too as they are sealing/cementing their souls under this curse currently.
Singing "worship" songs is not what real worship is. Real worship (like fasting and true-prayers) is with your being and life, in what you are and the on-going transformation, not mere outward expressions, not what you say with your lips which can be fake (Matt 15v8) . For some people, the fasting that God is calling them to is: QUIT FROM SELF-Effort, Self-Righteousness, Self-Works, quit from Self-based Christianity or Self-Discipline . Isaiah 58v13-14, if you embrace the Shabat (REST) as a delight, your healing shall appear. Neh 8v9-10, "... do not mourn or weep. (For all the people wept when they heard the Words of the Law). Then he said to them: go and enjoy choice foods and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength", His delight over us, is your strength
- Spirit of Adoption, Romans 8v15 . 2Sam 7v23-24 .
Hebrews 4v11, "... pay careful attention to enter that REST (Shabat), so you do not perish according to their example of UNBELIEF (and disobedience)", "... FAITHLESS and perverse generation ..." (Matt 17v17).
Acts 3v12 "... Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?", does not contradict Matt 17v21 "this kind (of spirit) cannot depart except by prayer and fasting”. The question is: do we know what it means to "be praying (and fasting) without ceasing" (1Thess 5v17) . The popular view of Matt 17v21 which is so strong and at home in us, in our fallen nature of Self-Effort, Self-Based Christianity and Self-Discipline, will keep that Glorious Life UNKNOWN to us forever A MYSTERY to us, as we keep paying lip-service to salvation by Grace. Whatever Jesus was saying in Matt 17v21, it is against our natural propensity of SELF-Based Christianity, and in-line with the transformed Peter speaking Acts 3v12, in-line with Matt 17v20 which tells us that the evil spirit cannot depart because we be living in ourselves instead of be living on Jesus Name. The Master said in Matt 17v20 that the problem is our lack of faith in God; but even with pure faith, and when we see correctly (Matt 6v22-23) and are rejoicing in the Lord, He may have other plans beyond our pure faith (e.g., John 11v3-6, He allowed death to happen) . So-called "Christians" have been taking advantage of Love in a wrong way because the Message of Life shows that Love/God covers our imperfect faith (John 16v30-33 . 17v8) and nakedness (Gen 2v25 . 3v21), but "Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked ..." (Gal 6v7) ."He granted their desires but it became sickness in their SOULS", Psalm 106v15.
1Thess 1v3, "... your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by Love, and your perseverance inspired by assurance in our Lord Jesus Christ" . 2Peter 1v3-8, "because His divine power has granted us everything we need for a godly life through our consciousness of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence, by which have been granted us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may become partakers of divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by selfish desires. For this very reason, pay careful attention, so your FAITH produces moral excellence, knowledge, temperance, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being worthless or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ".
1Cor 7v5 may sound as if spouses that abstain from romance and sexual relations are devoted in prayer, but this is a misunderstanding of that verse. The true understanding is this: both spouses or one of them, for a period, really desires to be alone in undistracted consciousness of God, not desiring to be with anyone at all including work or school (i.e., fasting, recharging by REFOCUS). Marriage's romance and sexual relations cannot hinder consciousness of God's goodness (prayer) IF perspective is filled with the Lover of our souls (Matt 6v22-23) couples can rejoice in the Lord together spiritually (prayer) while enjoying earthly-love as they exalt the Spirit who is making a name for Himself by our existence and His Providence (internal) showing that He claims us and bears responsibility for us; this means bliss for those "toddlers" in flow with this Meaning of Life (Mark 10v15 . Romans 8v15 . YishaYah 55v1-3)
Meditation, Prayer, and Fasting
Scripture attempts to communicate An INDESCRIBABLE Gift/Life (2Cor 9v15).
Hebrews 9v19, “When Moishe had proclaimed every command of the law to all the people, he took the Blood … and sprinkled both THE SCROLL itself and all the people” . There would be no need for the scroll/tabernacle to be sprinkled with blood if Scroll is the Infallible Living Word who alone is truly infallible.
Scripture seeks to communicate inexpressible things: life in the Spirit and realities of the spirit-realm; these things are beyond human language (Mark 4v30). Scripture has expressions that must not be taken on face-value or literal because the meaning of those expressions are different from normal usage of those words or phrases. Scripture has a terrible weakness: DEFICIENT HUMAN LANGUAGE. Thankfully, Scripture repeats its messages in various ways . THE SOLUTION is a spiritual one, not focus on languages/lexicons: Matt 4v4, man shall not live by food (the physical) alone but by every Message of God. Acts 20v27, i have not shrink back from declaring to you the Whole Counsel of God . However when so-called "Christians" are busy chasing after money or food, the spiritual solution just communicated becomes totally elusive and a mystery again.
There are too many so-called “Bible-believing” Pastors that need honest eyes by which to re-read scriptures such as 1Cor 13v9, Heb 9v21–24, Lev 16v16 and 2Cor 9v15 which teach that even the original manuscripts are not the Living Word who alone is infallible. Scripture is Trustworthy but only God the Living Word is INFALLIBLE compared to earthly expressions of it (Heb 9v21-24). We need to be HONEST because Human Language is one of the deficiencies in the Prophets and Apostles; 1Cor 13v9 agrees with this. The "we" in 1Cor 13v9 includes the writer of Scripture: "we know in part and we prophesy in part". If the earthly expressions/copies of the Living Word are infallible, they won’t need God's Sacrificial Love (sprinkling of blood, Hebrews 9v19) to cover the human taint that’s within them.
SOLOMON is an example in which some "messages from God" cannot really be trusted. We need to be HONEST on what is infallible because only God is infallible not the earthly copies of the Living Word but the Living Word Himself which we can say Prov 30v5 and Matt 5v18 is speaking of.
Just so you can have an idea how your Church Leaders have become very satanic in the last 100 years, teaching you deceitful dogmas by refusing BASIC HONESTY, read 1Cor 11v5–6.
The Living Word (the only infallible) speaks through Fallible Creation (Romans 1v20-23) which includes the Prophets and Apostles using deficient human language. Romans 1v20-23 says that people are ascribing to the earthly, the glory that should be ascribed to the only Infallible/Incorruptible (1v23).
Many "Bible Teachers" are dishonouring the Living Word by refusing to make distinction between the earthly Scroll versus the Infallible Living Word (Heb 9v21-24).
Inexpressible Joy
When Scripture speaks of "predestination/election", this is DIFFERENT from the popular view that has been spread in many Churches by those teaching TULIP which has roots way-back in Augustine, a catholic father. Here are few scriptures that definitely destroy the popular/satanic view of "predestination/election" : 1John 2v2, "Christ Himself is the Atonement for our sins, and NOT FOR OURS ONLY but also for the whole world" . "For God so loved the world ..." (John 3v16) . Hebrews 10v26-31, "... Of how much worse punishment do you think someone will be worthy of, who has ... counted the blood of the covenant by which HE WAS SANCTIFIED a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of Grace? ..." . "Therefore be all the more diligent to make your call and Election SURE ... (2Peter 1v10) . Isaiah 45v23-24, I have sworn by Myself, the oath has gone out in righteousness and it cannot be revoked, that to Me everyone shall bow, everyone shall confess saying "SURELY IN THE LORD I HAVE RIGHTEOUSNESS and Strength”. To Him, ALL shall come, and they shall be ashamed who were incensed against Him . This agrees with Phil 2v9-11. Contrary to Calvinists' view of John 6v43-44, many scriptures such as Isaiah 45v22 show that our Maker (in whom EVERYONE has Righteousness) is drawing/calling everyone to Him: “Look to Me, and be saved, all you ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other".
Although humanity keeps transforming away from Gen 2v7 into being like animals, Gen 2v7 makes clear that, in reality, humans are not animals/barbeque but "sons of God" having the Spirit/Breath of Life with us (reflecting God, ought to be). Acts 17v27-28 confirms this as Paul is preaching to Pagans and telling them that, in reality, they too are children of God, not animals. The Good News (gospel, also before Messiah came) seeks to restore every soul to that delightful CHOICE OF GOD (i.e., God's Destiny/Will for us, God's Choice/Election for us, which is: "sons of God", which He created us as in the beginning before we began transforming into the Lie of Autonomy and its burdens).
1Tim 4v16, "Watch yourself and the teaching closely, continue in them for in so doing, YOU WILL SAVE YOURSELF and those who listen to you", it's noteworthy that the Apostle didn't say "... GOD will save you and those who listen to you" . 1Cor 3v17, "If anyone destroys the temple of God (by pride and unrepentance), God will destroy the person because God's temple is holy, and YOU ARE HIS TEMPLE". Consider carefully the verse i just quoted to see who destroyed the self/temple of God. This is similar to 2Thess 2v10-12 which says that God will send powerful delusions on people BY THEIR OWN DEPARTURE INTO FALSEHOOD. That verse can be stated as: people bringing powerful delusions upon themselves by embracing falsehood . Due to Calvinists' false humility and distorted view of God's sovereignty, Calvinists would love a version of 1Tim 4v16 that says "... GOD will save you and those who listen to you", but no translation express it this way. All the various versions say "... by so doing, YOU WILL SAVE YOURSELF and those who listen to you".
Exo 32v33, "whoever has sinned against Me, that's the person I blot-out from My book". The manner of expression in Romans 9v20-23 can cause confusion if someone is reading it without the light of scriptures such as 1Peter 1v1-2 "... elect according to FOREKNOWLEDGE of God ...", Romans 8v29 "... whom He FOREKNEW, He also predestined ..." . Exo 32v33 clearly means everyone's name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, although a surface-reading of Rev 13v8 and Acts 13v48 disagrees with Exo 32v33. This paradox is because: if people are not accepting that their names are written in the Book of Life, then their names will not be found in the Book of Life (Isaiah 45v23-24 nkjv). Rev 14v10 shows that every fallen spirit suffers its eternal loss regretting in the Presence of the Love/Lamb forever . Exo 32v33, no one knows when a hardened soul becomes too "independent" and therefore can no more enjoy God's Loving Presence as His little-child, at which time God (by that person) declares no more hope.
Some "Christians" feel that in order for humans to experience Hell, God has to have a wrathful character or that God has to be active in tormenting these little-ants called humanity (Isaiah 40v17), but the correct view of Hell is actually internal experiences (such as needless lack of contentment/peace; lack of fulfillment; needless fear, shame, emptiness; lack of meaning, etc) in the Presence of Love/God which "independent" souls cannot enjoy although He is here for them (Rev 14v10, Isaiah 45v23-24 nkjv) . Psalm 106v15, He granted their desires but it became sickness in their souls. Eternal Loss (hell), or eternal bliss (heaven) is more than physical torment or physical enjoyment, it's really an internal state of being according to what spirit you're accustomed to, or in which you are presently cementing/sealing your soul . Isaiah 54v4-5, how does anyone experience widowhood and lack of peace when the Lover can never die? Answer: either by Misuse of Love or by "independent" spirit, instead of being in the consciousness of Under Love's Care To His Praise.
"vessels of wrath prepared for destruction" is by human-will, creating self according to human likeness/will in opposition to GOD'S INTENT and how He originally made us: in His reflection/likeness, sons of God, never for destruction/divorce or a curse, Matt 19v8 . In Matt 23v37-38, Jesus is WEEPING over His lost children saying to them that the house is left desolate BECAUSE "How often I have longed/desired to cover you, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you are UNWILLING!". Luke 9v54-56, When His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to call fire to come from spirit-realm and consume them just as Elijah did?” But Jesus turned and rebuked them, and said, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. For the Son of Man has not come to destroy humans but to save them”
In Scripture, the Messiah is known as the Elect/CHOICE of God, also the Jewish people (Wife of God) are known as the Choice/Elect of God because that nation is a sign God chose for communication, to bless the whole world. That nation is also symbolic for those who are truly children of God among fallen-humanity. The Jewish nation is also symbolic for all of humanity (evil or good, sons of God), that's why Jesus said: "Just as Moses lifted up the bronze-serpent in the wilderness (to save the JEWISH NATION), even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever be living on Him would not perish but have Life. For God so loved THE WORLD ..." (John 3v14-16) . Calvinists presume that if people are perishing by human will contrary to God's Will, then this means God is not sovereign/powerful, therefore Calvinists teach that God created majority of humanity for Hell by LIMITED ATONEMENT only meant for the Unconditionally ELECTED of God who grants this chosen ones: irresistible Grace . Contrary to that satanic view of Scripture by Calvinists, God is not a power-drunk rapist wanting His Sovereignty above everything else. He created Free Will spirits/beings because He wants A Loving Marriage with humanity (Revelation 21v2) Not Rape or Sovereignty/Power. In Rev 3v14-20, Jesus is outside the Church, knocking/begging His "children" for access into His house because they had insidiously "let Him go". Is this the will of God for the chosen ones? yet it happens by human will against God's Will. Resurrected-Jesus could have easily appear in the house whether they want Him inside or not, yet He is begging His "children" for access into His house. This is the way of Love, not a power-drunk Calvinist wanting Sovereignty above everything.
1Cor 11v7 and other scriptures show that woman is the symbol for humanity and its glory, while man is the symbol for our Maker and His glory as He seeks MARRIAGE to humans. If we don't flow with Him, wonderful love and fruits cannot happen although that's His Will (John 11v39-40, Matt 13v58). Contrary to Calvinists' distortion, the Scriptural view is this: those who are saved are so because God wants EVERYONE to be saved, while the majority who are perishing are so by Human Will and Pride contrary to our Maker's Love.
God Did Not Create Anyone For Hell
Early Church's View, 1Corinthians 11
Hippolytus of Rome in his writing (Apostolic Tradition) c.200 AD, wrote: "And let all the women have their heads covered with an opaque cloth, not with a veil of thin linen, for this is not a true covering" . see 1Cor 11v5-6
It is amazing beyond words, how well-documented it is that Christian women everywhere (including Europe and America) used to be covered with hijab like Muslim women when Christians gather. That was the understanding that majority Church Leaders taught from 1Cor 11, but that changed radically only in the last 100 yrs; increasingly, humanity (the created) is existing in Lying Vanities of PRIDE (Jonah 2v8 - kjv) exalting herself, rather than existing in the reality that our beauties, pleasures and existence is not our design or authorship, neither are we the real-sustainer and source of life (which is always deficient/naked, even before the Fall in Eden, in comparison to our Sustainer and Saviour - Gen 2v25) . 1Cor 1v29, "no flesh should glory in His Presence", don't be like the fallen angels. "... For this reason the woman ought to have a symbol of authority over her head, because of the angels. ..." . 1Tim 2v9, "modest apparel with shamefacedness" . Woman is a symbol for humanity (the created) and its glory, while man is a symbol for God and His glory (1Cor 11v7). She needs to cover her glory and not have INTENTIONS of showing-off any part of her body or adornment. She (humanity) needs to be living full of the CONSCIOUSNESS that: Life's Not About The Glorious Creation But About The Goodness of God The Saviour . This is the opposite of Nephilim Spirit which began in Eden (Gen 3) as humanity began embracing the fallen-Brilliance/Morningstar (Ezek 28v17 . 1Cor 1v29 . 1Cor 11v10) . "by flattery he shall corrupt people" (Dan 11v32).
Based on church history, the deception upon us today is massive beyond words. This tricky PRIDE is in the men too because they have allowed this change to progress CONTRARY TO SCRIPTURE and early church practice, as men are exalting their own wisdom by neglecting the Message of Life . In Jesus' rebuke of the Elders of Israel for their emphasis on external/symbolic aspects of God's Law, and their neglect of the Spirit of the Torah (Luke 11v39-40, 7v37-40, Gal 5v6) Jesus said: "... you have neglected the Core of the Law - the goodness of God, mercy, and faith. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others" (Matt 23v23), meaning that the Leaders of God's People should be allowing the meaning and spirit behind symbolic-baptism, symbolic-communion and headcovering of 1Cor 11, without neglecting the outward symbols that God commanded.
The following is from https://earlychurch.com/the-head-covering-or-prayer-veil/
Around the year 200, at Carthage, North Africa, Tertullian wrote a tract entitled, "The Veiling of Virgins." Tertullian makes the argument that the passage applies to all females of age—not just to married women. Of course, Tertullian’s personal view is of little concern to us. But what is so valuable about this work of his is that he discusses the practices of different church in various parts of the world. Here are some key excerpts from his work:
I also admonish you second group of women, who are married, not to outgrow the discipline of the veil. ... you can't avoid wearing a veil, you should not find some other way to nullify it. That is, by going about neither covered nor bare. For some women do not veil their heads ... Others cover only the area of the brain with small linen coifs that do not even quite reach the ears ... They should know that the entire head constitutes the woman. Its limits and boundaries reach as far as the place where the robe begins. The region of the veil is co-extensive with the space covered by the hair when it is unbound. In this way, the neck too is encircled. The pagan women of Arabia will be your judges. For they cover not only the head, but the face also. . . .
Earlier in his tract, Tertullian testified that the churches that were founded by the apostles did insist that both their married women and their virgins be veiled:
Throughout Greece, and certain of its barbaric provinces, the majority of churches keep their virgins covered. In fact, this practice is followed in certain places beneath this African sky. So let no one ascribe this custom merely to the Gentile customs of the Greeks and barbarians. Moreover, I will put forth as models those churches that were founded by either apostles or apostolic men. . . . The Corinthians themselves understood him to speak in this manner. For to this very day the Corinthians veil their virgins. What the apostles taught, the disciples of the apostles confirmed. [Tertullian, The Veiling of Virgins The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. 4 pp. 27-29,33]
Husbands, fathers, brothers (Church Leaders) need to TRUST God and return to His instructions. The headcovering instructions in 1Cor 11 contains Very Foundational Spirituals. The following is from the Meditations page of my website: 22 March 2018 . . . Concerning Pageants/Shows . 1Cor 13:4-5, “… Love Does Not Parade Itself, is not puffed up … is not self-seeking …” . John 12:25, “whoever loves his life will lose it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life” . 2Tim 2:22, “flee youthful passions” . It’s really not the fault of all the ignorant "Christians" but the Pastors who are on the way to eternal regret. This issue includes all the various shows of human glory, not only beauty pageants (Jeremiah 9v23-24). Self-focus and self-glory is the fountain head of all sin and death (tree of autonomy, Gen 3). All of life is supposed to be a display of how wonderful our Loving Creator is, to His Praise, but satanic spirits try to rob God of some of His glory by turning their consciousness toward self and the created, and by contradicting His Word instead of always giving all praise to the Creator. That’s what the satanic spirit is all about (Isaiah 14:12-17, Ezek 28:17), and that’s the spirit into which humanity allowed the Lie to entice us into, which brought destruction upon everything (Gen 3). Ezek 28:17, “Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor”. Isaiah 42:8, “I am YAH, that is My name, and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to idols”. The following is also from the Meditations page of my website: 17 Aug 2018 . . . Gen 6:4 makes it clear that, those evil giants existed pre-Noah's time and also during Noah's time. Of course they (the nephilim spirit) had to be pre-Noah because since the Gen 3 mingling/intercourse (not physical) which Eve had with that insidious Spirit, humanity had continued receiving seeds of the deceitful spirit into their being. As humans, we are spirit/beings. Woman or "daughters of men" is a symbol meaning humanity/culture. . . . Today, as Jesus foretold, a major sign announcing His second coming/appearing, would be the increase of that same nephilim spirit of Noah's time. . . .
Whether external factors/stimuli are present or not, we always face internally: feelings, spirits/views within us, and we have to watch what spirit we come-under or follow or allow to take us (Eph 6v11-13, Gen 3v1). We must make sure we are flowing with ImmanuEl consciousness (God with us), well-grounded in the Message of Life, rejoicing in His Loving Adoption (Romans 8v15), well-conscious of spirit realities so we can easily dispel the animal spirits (Gen 3v1), the earthly spirits affecting us whether from social pressure or through self within (Luke 14v26) . 1Cor 11 is not saying that woman cannot be naked/uncovered in prayer (Luke 7v38); in private woman can wear anything but when Christians gather, one of the teachings in 1Cor 11 is that: women should have a covering over their hair, and not intend to show-off any part of their body or adornment; this modesty, taught by biology/nature (1Cor 11v14-16) is a sign that woman is under man's care similar to how the Bride of Messiah is under Messiah's care and wisdom, but fallen-angels contradict this reality by exalting themselves (1Cor 11v10, Ezek 28v17) . 1Cor 1v29, "no flesh should glory in God's Presence" . 1Cor 11 is not saying: due to health or cold, men cannot wear headcovering when Christians are gathered; that's not the prohibition in 1Cor 11 which is dealing with human attitude and PRIDE.
At the core, how is woman a "helper" of man (Gen 2v18) ? At the core, how does she "serve" man? By allowing him to take care of her continually and love her internals, then she blossoms/flourishes and becomes more beautiful and pregnant by his love; life then develops in her, then she bears fruits of love. This requires her TRUST of the man. Eve is a display of how glorious Adam is, because she was made from Adam, similar to how the Bride of Messiah is by the Messiah. 1Cor 11v9 can be misunderstood to be saying: man is not a servant taking care of woman, and that woman "serves" man. The real meaning of v.9 is that: woman (e.g., pregnant woman) is a display of how glorious man is, that's how she serves man, just as humanity is a display of how glorious the Transcendence is. 11v10, angels are a display of how glorious our Source is. All of creation is a praise to God. 1Cor 11v11-12, woman originally came from Adam; verses 11-12 should be understood as pertaining to earthly man and woman including the last Adam, the Son of Man, the greatest mystery manifest in flesh and bones (Luke 24v39) through humanity of a virgin, although woman originally came from Adam, "but all things are from God" (1Cor 11v12). Yes, many generations later, the father can come through his descendant. However, there's a lot of specifics we're ignorant of. We don't know exactly how Eve was made from Adam, or specifics of how Adam was made from dust by the Infinite SPIRIT who transcends the INVISIBLE Realm.
The earth from which Adam was made, doesn't produce by herself, neither is she totally self-sustaining. She has a source behind her. She has A Lover by which LIFE is produced in her. The order in Gen 1v1 is: "the heavens and the earth" because mother earth needs the heavenly forces for her existence. YishaYah 54v5, "your Maker is your Husband ... the Source of the whole earth". This order agrees with the fact that humanity (a woman) was made from the Spirit and by the Spirit (Gen 2v7). "all things are from God" (1Cor 11v12), this order expressed in Gen 1v1 agrees with the fact that Eve was made from Adam (Gen 2v21-22). The stars and forces that sustain the earth are symbolic of the Bridegroom (Psalm 19v4-6 . Eph 5v25-32), while the earth is symbolic of the bride (God's people) . Answers In Genesis of Ken Ham is dogmatic in their claim that: vegetation (and mother earth) existed before lights were created. The way they are reading Genesis, produces satanic contradictions such as the following: "... In each plant [before lights were created] hundreds of chemical processes ran in perfect symphony, harnessing the sun’s energy to provide food ... On Day Four ... astronomical objects burst into being, including ... stars. ... (https://answersingenesis.org/astronomy/earth/the-created-world/) ... The Book of Genesis states that our planet was created three days before the sun, moon, and stars. ..." (https://answersingenesis.org/astronomy/astronomy-and-the-bible/).
Even if we use their own literal/superficial take, Gen 1v5 says there was light ahead of vegetation, otherwise a first evening and morning could not be. That superficial (face-value) take on that portion of Genesis if brought to Gen 4v16 says that God is not omnipresent contrary to Psalm 139v7-8 or Acts 17v27-28. The proper way to read the creation account in Genesis is via the light of John 6v63 "the physical profits nothing, the words I speak to you are SPIRIT and Life" says the Lamb who finished death before the foundation of the world (2Tim 1v9 . Rev 13v8 . Eph 1v4) . The stars and forces that sustain the earth are symbolic of the Bridegroom (Psalm 19v4-6 . Eph 5v25-32), while the earth is symbolic of the bride (God's people), 2Cor 4v7 "we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us", agrees with Gen 2v7 and Psalm 8v3-4 speaking of Love's infinite worth, not our great worth on the earth. Also, as we consider INTENT of this Loving-Transcendence (Eph 1v6 "Praise of the glory of His Grace"), we see the reason behind Psalm 104v5, it gives Him pleasure to bless His earth and see the fruitfulness and stability of this bride/garden (the planting of the Lord, a display of His glory - YishaYah 61v3).
Didache is actually satanic although an Early Church article claiming to be summary of Teachings of the Apostles, but it contradicts the New Testament. For example, in didache ch.4, it says: "... by your hands you shall give a ransom for your sins ...", but in the New Testament, Peter said: "your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money" . The statement in didache ch.4, that "by your hands you shall give a ransom for your sins" is in the context of giving/donating to the needy and is a misunderstanding of New Testament scriptures such as Luke 11v41 and 1Tim 6v17-19 which is teaching us that: we should not put our trust in uncertain riches (e.g., our abilities) but in the Living God who graciously supplies us with all things richly to enjoy. "instruct the wealthy to do good, to be generous, to be rich in good deeds, ready to share. In this way, they will be storing-up for themselves a good foundation for the coming age, that they may take hold of eternal life", presently cementing a life with the Living God for the coming age, so that we may take hold of real Life (eternal, which we enter into presently by the type of spirit we live under) . Matt 6v3, "do not let your left hand know what your right hand is donating", Matt 6v18-22, "do not store-up for yourselves treasures on earth ... store-up for yourselves treasures in heaven".
In didache ch.8, after it gives specific days of the week to fast, it ends that section by saying: "pray in this manner three times a day" . All this contradicts New Testament scriptures such as Col 2v16-23, Romans 14v5-6, etc.
Didache ch.7 is in harmony with Acts 8v35-39 (immersion/baptizō) . Didache ch.7 says: "... baptize ... in running water. But if thou hast not living water, then baptize in other water, and if you are not able in cold, then in warm. But if thou hast neither ..."
Today, among so-called "Bible-believing" Churches, if we come-across one which is a true gathering of Christians, it would be labeled a "cult" because Christianity according to the New Testament record is very different from mainstream Christianity. In Hebrews 10v25, the followers of Messiah were being admonished not to go back to the mainstream churches which they were familiar with, but rather to continue assembling with the new "cult" (the true way) which was being persecuted.
The greatest danger you face is “Christian” beliefs that are not really Scriptural. 1John 4:1 “Beloved, don't believe every spirit but test the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
Matthew 10:22, Jesus said to His followers “You will be hated by all for My name sake. But whoever endures to the end will be saved.” Luke 14:26, Jesus said “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.”
Jesus said “Do you think I came to give peace on earth? Not at all, but rather division. ...”
“… what is highly esteemed among people is an abomination in the sight of God” (Luke 12:51,16:15).
James (Yakob) 4:4 “… Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.”
Around the year 200, at Carthage, North Africa, Tertullian wrote a tract entitled, "The Veiling of Virgins." Tertullian makes the argument that the passage applies to all females of age—not just to married women. Of course, Tertullian’s personal view is of little concern to us. But what is so valuable about this work of his is that he discusses the practices of different church in various parts of the world. Here are some key excerpts from his work:
I also admonish you second group of women, who are married, not to outgrow the discipline of the veil. ... you can't avoid wearing a veil, you should not find some other way to nullify it. That is, by going about neither covered nor bare. For some women do not veil their heads ... Others cover only the area of the brain with small linen coifs that do not even quite reach the ears ... They should know that the entire head constitutes the woman. Its limits and boundaries reach as far as the place where the robe begins. The region of the veil is co-extensive with the space covered by the hair when it is unbound. In this way, the neck too is encircled. The pagan women of Arabia will be your judges. For they cover not only the head, but the face also. . . .
Earlier in his tract, Tertullian testified that the churches that were founded by the apostles did insist that both their married women and their virgins be veiled:
Throughout Greece, and certain of its barbaric provinces, the majority of churches keep their virgins covered. In fact, this practice is followed in certain places beneath this African sky. So let no one ascribe this custom merely to the Gentile customs of the Greeks and barbarians. Moreover, I will put forth as models those churches that were founded by either apostles or apostolic men. . . . The Corinthians themselves understood him to speak in this manner. For to this very day the Corinthians veil their virgins. What the apostles taught, the disciples of the apostles confirmed. [Tertullian, The Veiling of Virgins The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. 4 pp. 27-29,33]
Husbands, fathers, brothers (Church Leaders) need to TRUST God and return to His instructions. The headcovering instructions in 1Cor 11 contains Very Foundational Spirituals. The following is from the Meditations page of my website: 22 March 2018 . . . Concerning Pageants/Shows . 1Cor 13:4-5, “… Love Does Not Parade Itself, is not puffed up … is not self-seeking …” . John 12:25, “whoever loves his life will lose it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life” . 2Tim 2:22, “flee youthful passions” . It’s really not the fault of all the ignorant "Christians" but the Pastors who are on the way to eternal regret. This issue includes all the various shows of human glory, not only beauty pageants (Jeremiah 9v23-24). Self-focus and self-glory is the fountain head of all sin and death (tree of autonomy, Gen 3). All of life is supposed to be a display of how wonderful our Loving Creator is, to His Praise, but satanic spirits try to rob God of some of His glory by turning their consciousness toward self and the created, and by contradicting His Word instead of always giving all praise to the Creator. That’s what the satanic spirit is all about (Isaiah 14:12-17, Ezek 28:17), and that’s the spirit into which humanity allowed the Lie to entice us into, which brought destruction upon everything (Gen 3). Ezek 28:17, “Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor”. Isaiah 42:8, “I am YAH, that is My name, and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to idols”. The following is also from the Meditations page of my website: 17 Aug 2018 . . . Gen 6:4 makes it clear that, those evil giants existed pre-Noah's time and also during Noah's time. Of course they (the nephilim spirit) had to be pre-Noah because since the Gen 3 mingling/intercourse (not physical) which Eve had with that insidious Spirit, humanity had continued receiving seeds of the deceitful spirit into their being. As humans, we are spirit/beings. Woman or "daughters of men" is a symbol meaning humanity/culture. . . . Today, as Jesus foretold, a major sign announcing His second coming/appearing, would be the increase of that same nephilim spirit of Noah's time. . . .
Whether external factors/stimuli are present or not, we always face internally: feelings, spirits/views within us, and we have to watch what spirit we come-under or follow or allow to take us (Eph 6v11-13, Gen 3v1). We must make sure we are flowing with ImmanuEl consciousness (God with us), well-grounded in the Message of Life, rejoicing in His Loving Adoption (Romans 8v15), well-conscious of spirit realities so we can easily dispel the animal spirits (Gen 3v1), the earthly spirits affecting us whether from social pressure or through self within (Luke 14v26) . 1Cor 11 is not saying that woman cannot be naked/uncovered in prayer (Luke 7v38); in private woman can wear anything but when Christians gather, one of the teachings in 1Cor 11 is that: women should have a covering over their hair, and not intend to show-off any part of their body or adornment; this modesty, taught by biology/nature (1Cor 11v14-16) is a sign that woman is under man's care similar to how the Bride of Messiah is under Messiah's care and wisdom, but fallen-angels contradict this reality by exalting themselves (1Cor 11v10, Ezek 28v17) . 1Cor 1v29, "no flesh should glory in God's Presence" . 1Cor 11 is not saying: due to health or cold, men cannot wear headcovering when Christians are gathered; that's not the prohibition in 1Cor 11 which is dealing with human attitude and PRIDE.
At the core, how is woman a "helper" of man (Gen 2v18) ? At the core, how does she "serve" man? By allowing him to take care of her continually and love her internals, then she blossoms/flourishes and becomes more beautiful and pregnant by his love; life then develops in her, then she bears fruits of love. This requires her TRUST of the man. Eve is a display of how glorious Adam is, because she was made from Adam, similar to how the Bride of Messiah is by the Messiah. 1Cor 11v9 can be misunderstood to be saying: man is not a servant taking care of woman, and that woman "serves" man. The real meaning of v.9 is that: woman (e.g., pregnant woman) is a display of how glorious man is, that's how she serves man, just as humanity is a display of how glorious the Transcendence is. 11v10, angels are a display of how glorious our Source is. All of creation is a praise to God. 1Cor 11v11-12, woman originally came from Adam; verses 11-12 should be understood as pertaining to earthly man and woman including the last Adam, the Son of Man, the greatest mystery manifest in flesh and bones (Luke 24v39) through humanity of a virgin, although woman originally came from Adam, "but all things are from God" (1Cor 11v12). Yes, many generations later, the father can come through his descendant. However, there's a lot of specifics we're ignorant of. We don't know exactly how Eve was made from Adam, or specifics of how Adam was made from dust by the Infinite SPIRIT who transcends the INVISIBLE Realm.
The earth from which Adam was made, doesn't produce by herself, neither is she totally self-sustaining. She has a source behind her. She has A Lover by which LIFE is produced in her. The order in Gen 1v1 is: "the heavens and the earth" because mother earth needs the heavenly forces for her existence. YishaYah 54v5, "your Maker is your Husband ... the Source of the whole earth". This order agrees with the fact that humanity (a woman) was made from the Spirit and by the Spirit (Gen 2v7). "all things are from God" (1Cor 11v12), this order expressed in Gen 1v1 agrees with the fact that Eve was made from Adam (Gen 2v21-22). The stars and forces that sustain the earth are symbolic of the Bridegroom (Psalm 19v4-6 . Eph 5v25-32), while the earth is symbolic of the bride (God's people) . Answers In Genesis of Ken Ham is dogmatic in their claim that: vegetation (and mother earth) existed before lights were created. The way they are reading Genesis, produces satanic contradictions such as the following: "... In each plant [before lights were created] hundreds of chemical processes ran in perfect symphony, harnessing the sun’s energy to provide food ... On Day Four ... astronomical objects burst into being, including ... stars. ... (https://answersingenesis.org/astronomy/earth/the-created-world/) ... The Book of Genesis states that our planet was created three days before the sun, moon, and stars. ..." (https://answersingenesis.org/astronomy/astronomy-and-the-bible/).
Even if we use their own literal/superficial take, Gen 1v5 says there was light ahead of vegetation, otherwise a first evening and morning could not be. That superficial (face-value) take on that portion of Genesis if brought to Gen 4v16 says that God is not omnipresent contrary to Psalm 139v7-8 or Acts 17v27-28. The proper way to read the creation account in Genesis is via the light of John 6v63 "the physical profits nothing, the words I speak to you are SPIRIT and Life" says the Lamb who finished death before the foundation of the world (2Tim 1v9 . Rev 13v8 . Eph 1v4) . The stars and forces that sustain the earth are symbolic of the Bridegroom (Psalm 19v4-6 . Eph 5v25-32), while the earth is symbolic of the bride (God's people), 2Cor 4v7 "we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us", agrees with Gen 2v7 and Psalm 8v3-4 speaking of Love's infinite worth, not our great worth on the earth. Also, as we consider INTENT of this Loving-Transcendence (Eph 1v6 "Praise of the glory of His Grace"), we see the reason behind Psalm 104v5, it gives Him pleasure to bless His earth and see the fruitfulness and stability of this bride/garden (the planting of the Lord, a display of His glory - YishaYah 61v3).
Didache is actually satanic although an Early Church article claiming to be summary of Teachings of the Apostles, but it contradicts the New Testament. For example, in didache ch.4, it says: "... by your hands you shall give a ransom for your sins ...", but in the New Testament, Peter said: "your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money" . The statement in didache ch.4, that "by your hands you shall give a ransom for your sins" is in the context of giving/donating to the needy and is a misunderstanding of New Testament scriptures such as Luke 11v41 and 1Tim 6v17-19 which is teaching us that: we should not put our trust in uncertain riches (e.g., our abilities) but in the Living God who graciously supplies us with all things richly to enjoy. "instruct the wealthy to do good, to be generous, to be rich in good deeds, ready to share. In this way, they will be storing-up for themselves a good foundation for the coming age, that they may take hold of eternal life", presently cementing a life with the Living God for the coming age, so that we may take hold of real Life (eternal, which we enter into presently by the type of spirit we live under) . Matt 6v3, "do not let your left hand know what your right hand is donating", Matt 6v18-22, "do not store-up for yourselves treasures on earth ... store-up for yourselves treasures in heaven".
In didache ch.8, after it gives specific days of the week to fast, it ends that section by saying: "pray in this manner three times a day" . All this contradicts New Testament scriptures such as Col 2v16-23, Romans 14v5-6, etc.
Didache ch.7 is in harmony with Acts 8v35-39 (immersion/baptizō) . Didache ch.7 says: "... baptize ... in running water. But if thou hast not living water, then baptize in other water, and if you are not able in cold, then in warm. But if thou hast neither ..."
Today, among so-called "Bible-believing" Churches, if we come-across one which is a true gathering of Christians, it would be labeled a "cult" because Christianity according to the New Testament record is very different from mainstream Christianity. In Hebrews 10v25, the followers of Messiah were being admonished not to go back to the mainstream churches which they were familiar with, but rather to continue assembling with the new "cult" (the true way) which was being persecuted.
The greatest danger you face is “Christian” beliefs that are not really Scriptural. 1John 4:1 “Beloved, don't believe every spirit but test the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
Matthew 10:22, Jesus said to His followers “You will be hated by all for My name sake. But whoever endures to the end will be saved.” Luke 14:26, Jesus said “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.”
Jesus said “Do you think I came to give peace on earth? Not at all, but rather division. ...”
“… what is highly esteemed among people is an abomination in the sight of God” (Luke 12:51,16:15).
James (Yakob) 4:4 “… Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.”
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From year 2000 to 2008, Evangelical Leaders (including Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel) showered praises on a well-known Occultist and Pluralist whom they claimed to be Christian. In Dec-2003, i spoke with Chuck Smith on-air (live call-in program) about that confusion which Calvary Chapel and most Evangelicals were spreading at that time. Chuck Smith refused to repent of that DECEIT and spreading of confusion.
Evangelical Leaders and most Calvary Chapel Pastors are leading many to a fake-heaven by allowing IDOLS and promoting IDOLATRIES as they categorize many issues under “minor issues, non-essentials” and “gray areas” claiming that: Scripture is SILENT on those issues, thereby turning the narrow way into the easy broad-way.
That Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness (Romans 10:4) doesn’t mean that New Testament scriptures such as Hebrews 10:16-17 “… I will put My Laws into their hearts …” is heresy that can be ignored because God writes His laws into us (His children) along with the power to keep His Laws/instructions, otherwise how do we Love God without following His Path? In Matt 7:21-23, Jesus says He is going to say to MANY Church Leaders: “I never knew you, depart from Me, you who practice Lawlessness!”.
Non-Judgmental World
REBUTTAL - Legalism The Scourge of Christianity
Essence, Not Symbols
El Elohe Israel
The Only Trustworthy Scripture
2Corinthians 6-7 “... [we] plead with you NOT TO RECEIVE THE GRACE OF GOD IN VAIN. ... Therefore: Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”
Ezek 22:26 “... [Christian Leaders] have profaned My holy things, they have not distinguished between the holy and unholy, nor have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean ...”
Matthew 23:25, Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside, but inside are full of SELF-INDULGENCE.
135 AD/CE - Syria Palestina
A Call To Duty And Diligence
John 12v24 . Although the internal is the important, scriptures such as Acts 10v47-48 and 8v35-39 are the real proof that Messiah commanded outward/physical immersion in water, if there's no physical obstruction (e.g., war, or sickness that prevents physical immersion). Sooner or later, whoever truly believes enters into real baptism (spiritual not physical). Baptism in scriptures such as Mark 16v16 is speaking of an obedient spirit/attitude towards physical baptism, it's speaking of intentions of obedience even in earthly (symbolic) commands of the New Testament which also commands physical Communion of Bread and Wine including Headcovering Instructions of 1Cor 11. Church Leaders who reject these commands of God are full of themselves, doing their own thing and no one should be in such fellowships.
Beware of Christian Occultism
Like the ancient Tabernacle, the Scripture we have today communicates the Message of Life, but these earthly expressions/copies are not God The Infallible Message, otherwise, why do they need God's Sacrificial Love (sprinkling of blood, Heb 9v19, Lev 16v16, Heb 9v21-24).
Hebrews 9v19, “When Moishe had proclaimed every command of the law to all the people, he took the Blood … and sprinkled both THE SCROLL itself and all the people” . There would be no need for the scroll/tabernacle to be sprinkled with blood if Scroll is the Infallible Living Word who alone is truly Infallible.
Scripture is Trustworthy but only God the Living Word is INFALLIBLE compared to earthly expressions/copies of it (Heb 9v21-24). Scripture attempts to communicate An INDESCRIBABLE Gift/Life (2Cor 9v15) .
What Books or STATEMENTS OF SCRIPTURE ARE GOD-INSPIRED? Concerning a prophet (e.g., Solomon) who displays some credibility or signs and wonder of being of God but insists on a message which is contrary to the spirit of the Torah, Deut 13:3 says: "you shall not listen to the messages of that prophet or dreamer, for the Lord your God is TESTING you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul" . The Evangelicals i learned from really emphasize their view that every statement in the Bible is infallible. They use scriptures such as Prov 30:5, "Every Word of God is flawless (infallible) ..." . 2Tim 3:16, "All Scripture is God-breathed ..." . Therefore, what i'm saying here is taboo for those who reverence men more than Truth, but God said in iyob 42:1-8 that the Book of Job has flaws in it by Job and his friends, and we see the REPENTANCE of Job and his friends in those verses too in which we have a clear Truth from God that: even a true prophet can express things that are not really of God. 1Cor 13v9, "We know in part and we prophesy in part".
Song of Solomon is a flawed picture because of Solomon's idolatries, compared to the Books of Ruth, Hoshea and Romans which are clearly better. . . . (than) Solomon whom God condemned in 1Kings 11:1-11 concerning his idolatry which included the worship of the goddess Ishtar . . .
The reason i'm expressing this evangelical taboo and difficulty is because we must always be people of TRUTH but most Pastors are acting and being deceitful as they simply follow their seminaries and their unrepentant teachers saying that every statement in their Bible is infallible. That's A Lie and they are contradicting God Himself by saying so; see 1Cor 13v9 and iyob 42v1-8 . Thank God that He is faithful to expose and correct His true-prophets when they express what's not of Him (see Num 20v12, 20v24) . In the Spirit, the Message of Life is not fallible, the Living Word is infallible but its expression through the apostles and prophets in Scripture can make it tainted (e.g., when the prophets express their desire for recompense against the wicked who seem to be prospering by the Kindness of God). Apart from this, another issue is this: DEFICIENT HUMAN LANGUAGE OF SCRIPTURE. Many who give superficial attention to Scripture or who emphasize taking it literal (on face-value), are already being led astray by Scripture's Deficient Human Language. Among so many examples, here's a few highlighting the Deficient Human Language of Scripture: Gen 4v16 as if God is not omnipresent/ImmanuEl; Deut 13v3 as if God is not omniscient; 1John 4v12 which some can take as contradiction of John 14v9; 1Cor 15v26-28 makes it seem as though Christ is not yet above all powers in the spirit-realm and on earth, and as if Christ has not always being subject to the Spirit but that this will happen at the end.
John 7:17 is important, if our spirits are truly toward God, He will let us know Truth versus Error. Jesus relied on Scripture by saying: IT IS WRITTEN, and like Him, it must be our food/sustenance, we must understand it and it must be part of our being so we can know which one to use and how to use it. Thank God for those Scriptures. God is a faithful Father that deeply cares for us because He desires to be glorified by creating us and taking care of us. Concerning John 7:17, the will of God is that we be as little children under His care, listening to Him and also Allowing Him To Bear Responsibility For Us. This results to the praise of His beauty. Also, God's Will is that we recognize that, every single thing we have is unmerited and of His kindness towards us, to His praise, from the foods we enjoy, to our soul/life and cognitive abilities, to every pleasure we enjoy, He is the one graciously granting us life and so much, and sustaining us. That consciousness is what we departed from in Eden as we began partaking of the tree of autonomy, but truly we are not in-charge.
Concerning The Various Translations
God, Olodumare, Zeus, Odin, Allah, etc.
Muhammad's birth and death were not miraculous but just like any other human. According to Qur'an, Jesus' birth was miraculous (virgin birth) and He was snatched-up (victorious) against His enemies who wanted Him dead (says the Qur'an) . Okay, let Muslims follow Muhammad instead of YahShua, i will listen to Tanakh and New Testament which Muhammad condemns as distortions although he hijacked narratives and spirituals from the People of the Book (Jews and Christians). Muhammad used to face YeruShalem as qibla (prayer direction) as he sought to be Chief Prophet above all Jewish prophets, but in Yathrib when the People of the Book refused to follow Muhammad's ambition and self-exaltation, he changed prayer direction to Masjid Haram (the Forbidden Mosque in Mecca) . Qur'an claims that, the true Taurat and injil (teachings of Jesus) are no more in existence, and that Muhammad is the only one now presenting the true message; yet Islam hijacks some predictions in the Taurat (in Deut 18) and the injil (in John 16, verses which are actually the reason why those under the teaching/spirit of Christ are later able to write or communicate as they allow the Spirit of Messiah within to empower them, so next generation can hear Messiah through His children. Islam doesn't understand this Spirit Dynamics of Sonship/Adoption and how Jesus' true-children can be living in God A Spirit, therefore Islam says: injil, verbatim words of Jesus is lost, but Muhammad alone has it ?? crazy-ego) . Although Jews and Christians disagree, they agree in refuting Islamic claim that: Taurat and Injil acknowledge Muhammad ahead of time by the Jewish predictions concerning the coming Messiah or true-prophets (e.g., Deut 18v15-22) and predictions concerning the coming Comforter/Spirit (John 16v7-14). The predictive message in Deut 18 is vague compared to the many specific predictions in Tanakh concerning the coming Messiah.
Jews don't follow YahShua by whom Christians exist, but there are many predictions in the Tanakh concerning Messiah (e.g., where He will be born, foretold in Micah 5v2, seven-hundred years before His birth, and that "His goings forth are from ancient times, from everlasting". In Daniel 9v24-27, detailed calendar was given which included the time for Messiah's first coming including the following for whoever missed it: He will finish His first mission shortly before the temple is destroyed by the Romans). Anyone truly interested in investigating claims of whether Tanakh and New Testament are untrustworthy (as Muhammad claims) has an independent source for investigation: SIMPLY SEE IF THE MANY PREDICTIONS CONCERNING MESSIAH HAVE BEGAN TAKING PLACE OR NOT (in the first coming of Christ). Also there are many predictions in Tanakh concerning Jewish Diaspora (judgments by their God against their self-induced deafness), and that, Elohim-YHVH will regather Jews back to the land He gave them. My article "The Only Trustworthy Scripture" is among others on the internet or in libraries, that can help anyone in this crucially paramount investigation, if anyone is interested in reality and spiritual-reality amidst all the astronomic deceit and confusion.
Islam's Jesus
Polygyny is not condemned in Scripture (2Sam 12v8), however, based on 1Cor 7v28-40, the New Testament encourages singles to remain unmarried, but it says: "if you marry, you have not sinned". This same principle (encouraging Christians to remain single) also encourages monogamy more than polygyny which Scripture doesn't condemn at all . "the two shall become one flesh" can be interpreted as heterosexuality (the two, opposites, shall become one) which Polygyny doesn't contradict. Matt 19v7-9, Mark 10v4-9 is not addressing the issue of whether Tanakh (Old Testament) is wrong in supporting polygyny. In Matt 19v7-9, Mark 10v4-9, Jesus/YahShua is speaking against MISUSE of Permission to divorce. Permission to divorce is found in Scripture due to human complications, not really God's will.
The good incest of Gen 1v28 doesn't allow parent-children sexual love (Gen 2v24). Although love should be expressed between all persons, sexual love should only be in lifelong union (heterosexual) which can be Polygyny . Scripture condemns Polyandry which is a picture of idolatrous humanity attaching themselves (in a wrong way) to things or spirits less than our Maker/Husband; Solomon fell-away by this spiritual adulteration (1Kings 11v1-11).
Here's one of the many Paradoxes of Scripture, 1Cor 7 seems to contradict the foundational truth that: our troubles are not ours but the Lord's. We are to be-living on God, filled with faith, yet in 1Cor 7 concerning marriage, the apostle doesn't say "all things are possible through Christ our help we can do all things", rather he advises Christian singles not to go into marriage which has much responsibilities, yet "faith" in God means that these responsibilities are not ours but the Lord's who bears responsibility for His children (2Chron 20v15, the battle is not yours but the Lord's, 1Sam 17v47 . The earth and all is His too, Exodus 9v29).
Marriage and Separation
Newsweek-Adeboye: Pentecostals
No Images
If King David had rejected Nathan's rebuke, would that prove that David is a child of God? NO.
God wants to see fruits of true-repentance (e.g., restitution), not what we claim with our lips, or past-conversion. Contrary to what i was taught by Evangelicals such as The Berean Call, unconditional security is heresy. Sanctification and Salvation can't really be separated. 2Thess 2:13-14 "... salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth, to which He called you by our gospel ...". Unconditional Security is Heresy which many Evangelicals have preached to many who now have false assurance. John 10:27-28 “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life ...”. Dave Hunt and TBC refused to repent of their statements/judgments that: Rick Warren LOVES THE LORD and is a Christian brother. TBC made those statements while exposing what they considered anti-Christ teachings of Rick Warren. 1Tim 4:16 "Take heed to yourself and to the teaching. Continue in them, for in doing this, you will save both yourself and those who hear you". 6:12 "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses". Phil 3:12 "... but i press on, that i may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus laid hold of me". Phil 2:12-13 takes place during conversion too "... work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure". Acts 10:34-35 "... God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him."
That Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness (Romans 10:4) doesn’t mean that New Testament scriptures such as Hebrews 10:16-17 “… I will put My Laws into their hearts …” is heresy that can be ignored because God writes His laws into us (His children) along with the power to keep His Laws/instructions, otherwise how do we Love God without following His Path? In Matt 7:21-23, Jesus says He is going to say to MANY Church Leaders: “I never knew you, depart from Me, you who practice Lawlessness!”.
Righteousness By Faith, Not By Self
Self-Doubt Is Good
Set Apart
Strangers On This Earth: True Christians
John 15:19, Jesus said to His followers “If you were of the world, the world would love its own.
But because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.”
Matt 7:13-14, Jesus said “Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it [few who really want it].” 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to Me 'Lord, Lord' shall enter the kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you, depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!”
In Nov-2011, contrary to Scripture, Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel said: "there are a lot of good Mormons who believe in Jesus and i believe they will be in heaven", while also teaching that Mormons are not Christians because of the "Jesus" they believe in. That's Calvary Chapel for you: Compromising Liars. What Chuck Smith said in 2011 about "a lot of good Mormons" who are accepting some biblical teaching, is based in the unbiblical principle of marriage-evangelism (unequal yoking, 2Cor 6v14-18) and trying to be a light in a satanic system by mixing with the system. However, the truth is this, John 16v2 "They will put you out of the assembly ...", because God has separated true-Light from darkness, therefore, they don't get along, but fake-light gets along with darkness. In John 7v7, Jesus said to those who were not really following Him, "The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify against it that its works are evil".
The Heart of A Servant
The Next Life
Three Days And Three Nights
Someone can have a life of prayer rejoicing in the Spirit of Adoption
and experiencing the ecstasy or bliss without foreign language.
Tongues Is Not The Basic Gift
The following article is still valid, however 12 years ago when i wrote it, i didn't understand that Scripture uses fables. I didn't understand that Jewish Scripture (Old and New Testament) doesn't condemn every fable. I was blind to this fact because i was under the influence of Evangelicals such as The Berean Call who love to be known as "scientific", and hate being called "superstitious". However, the truth is this: anyone who acknowledges the spirit-realm and the Transcendence, is superstitious, unless such a person knows everything. We of the Judeo-Christian faith are not all-knowing concerning the Message of Life which has things that are beyond human rationale or beyond the limitations of language (2Cor 9v15) . 1Tim 3v16 "without controversy, great is the Mystery of godliness: God was manifest in flesh ... [married by our spirits]" . Like the ancient Tabernacle, the Scripture we have today communicates the Message of Life, but these earthly expressions/copies are not God The Infallible Message, otherwise, why do they need God's Sacrificial Love (sprinkling of blood, Hebrews 9v19, Lev 16v16, Heb 9v21-24). In my video and audio presentations at the "Meditations" page, i have been briefly touching on the issue of DEFICIENT HUMAN LANGUAGE OF SCRIPTURE. Many who give superficial attention to Scripture or who emphasize taking it literal (on face-value), are already being led astray by Scripture's Deficient Human Language. Among so many examples, here's a few highlighting the Deficient Human Language of Scripture: Gen 4v16 as if God is not omnipresent/ImmanuEl; Deut 13v3 as if God is not omniscient; 1John 4v12 which some can take as contradiction of John 14v9; 1Cor 15v26-28 makes it seem as though Christ is not yet above all powers in the spirit-realm and on earth (contrary to Matt 28v18 and 1Peter 3v22) but that this will happen at the end, and as if Christ has not always being subject to the Spirit but that this too will happen at the end.
Truth Versus Fables
A foundation of satanic spirit, by which it has been excellent in humans, is to
desensitize people regarding the Message of Life, and turn selfish desire and the
superficial/materialistic into the norm (e.g., with images, materialistic ideology
and whatever else is short of the Message of Life which is metaphysical).
Over Puppy-Dog, An 11 yr.old Use Gun To Kill Girl
Another example of how "Bible-believing" Pastors have allowed secular culture's thinking
to have stronghold in the churches, is in the Pastor's neglect
of scriptures that condemn the attire of an harlot.
American Pastors tolerate cheer-leading.
1Cor 11 - Bride of Christ, Repent of The Prostitution.
Pastors, Repent of The Prostitution.
Proverbs 7:10-11, Jude 1:23
Scripture certainly condemn any picture of Messiah who is not identified by physical appearance
and isn't limited to a certain earthly manifestation.
See my article "No Images".